Only one of the little group was inclined to return Leon's introduction, but he wasn't super miffed about that. He knew Olympia, and the other guy was giving everyone a pretty good idea of who he was with his all out charge. Sioma was next out of the gate, but opted to follow Cassius' mech into the sky. The battlefield did not look to favor Leon; he would have preferred to fight one of those hulking clunkers in the sky where he'd have the advantage, but Cassius was opening fire on the only flyer, and Leon wasn't fond of catching a friendly bullet. His next choice was the flanker. From his high position, he had a great look at it, but he knew if he charged it like the brute was doing, he'd lose an arm. Sioma whipped out its side arm, and using its superior aiming, fired toward the flanking mech. But Leon wasn't aiming for the machine, he was leading it, with some extra room. His intent was to whip up a dust cloud to ruin the machine's targeting ability. When the cloud was up, he fired his 150mm guns, and then flew in an arch, meaning to appear from the brute's off hand side(hopefully unseen through the dust cloud) and jab at it with his plasma cutter.