Name - Destiny Richards Alias - Miss Appear Age - 22 Powers/Primary Skills - [b]Psychic Powers[/b]: Destiny is able to harness the powers of her mind to do various things, including telekinesis and telepathy, and she can create psychic force fields [b]Invisibility[/b]: Destiny is able to turn invisible Weaknesses - [b]Psychic Susceptibility[/b]: Due to the nature of her psychic powers, she is more susceptible to psychic attacks than others may be [b]Physically Weak[/b]: Though her mind is strong, her body is weak. She usually relies on her mental abilities to get her out of sticky situations Appearance - She has long, blonde hair, light blue eyes, and pale skin. She wears a pink and white costume, with a mask. Brief Bio - Destiny always knew she was unique. She was able to see things no one else did, she was able to move things with her mind, she was able to remain unseen. However, her gifts told the world she was weird, a freak. She wasn't one of them, despite being born on Earth to two loving parents. She was branded and sentenced by her peers to live the life of a recluse. However, life has a habit of throwing monkey wrenches into the best-laid plans and Destiny was able to prove herself useful by predicting a major crisis before it happened, saving many lives in the process. She was no longer deemed a menace, but in fact, a hero. So she dons the colorful costume of her brethren and aims to save the world, one crisis at a time. ---STATS--- IQ - 3 Strength - 2 Speed - 6 Attack - 2 Psychic Slap, Telekinetic Throw Defense - 3 Invisibility, Force Field, Prediction Health - 14