I like to write dialog. I like to write characters being cunning. I'd rather write about someone who would beat you AT blackjack instead of WITH a black jack. I can occasionally enjoy writing a duel between two characters. But having one of my characters cut through a swath of enemies, or fight someone else's character just for kicks, bores the crap out of me. That's what makes this next story so interesting to me. So the GM LOVES fighting. He likes it so much that he forced everyone to create extra characters so that he could run two stories side by side, and there would always be fighting going on in one of them. Yes, he liked fights. Complete chaos, awesome anarchy, endless entropy, he loved it. I was able to bypass some of the fighting, as one of my characters was more of a leader than a fighter. However, there came that "DBZ style" power up part of the RP where everyone had to become 100X stronger than they were previously. My leader character was included in this, and so she became a spellsword. Well, spellspear actually. There were only two battles left for everyone. One was a split/duel battle where everyone was locked into their own duel, and then all the heroes had to slay the final boss before he ended the world. Yes, it felt a bit like a video game plot at this point. But do you know I actually enjoyed myself? My newly minted spellsword had to go up against a zombie girl. This actually worked well, since both characters were leaders and had several other parallels like fighting style and experiencing great tragedy. The best part was that they both held each other accountable for their situations. Their arena was a magical lake that you could walk on, so there wasn't anything to utilize in the fight except each character's powers. I don't really like super anime stuff, but the dialog was entertaining. It wasn't deep or philosophical, but you could feel the hatred of these two characters as the fight escalated. The fight started with both combatants expressing slightly above average human abilities, but by the end they had transformed into a wolf man (girl?) and a zombie dragon. There was also a lot of counter-spell casting, and eventually the lake broke away and the fight took place mid-air. it was one of those crazy battles that could only happen in an RP. I guess you'd of had to have been there though...