[quote=@Archmage MC] [@knighthawk] I'll be using someone with Toon powers, or close to it. I can go full toon or toon-like depending on what you want, result will be the same more or less. And since this is a villain RP, she'll probably go full Peacock, just much smarter. [/quote] I could see full toon, like someone with reality warping powers making a doodle come to life. I would see them like toons from 'who framed roger rabbit' [quote=@Ashevelendar] [@knighthawk] I was thinking of a villain with a the power to adapt organically to almost anything ( of course, at first her powers will be erratic but as she progresses, she'll get better at controlling them ). Example : She could change her skin in something close to metal or change her arm into tentacles. How would that sound ? [/quote] I can see them being a miraculous thief; growing gills as needed or suction-cup hands.