Jason chuckled.[color=39b54a]"Alright then lots get outta here."[/color] Jason said excitedly. He was glad to leave the infamy again, the room was freezing. He wondered why doctors offices were always so cold. As they walked to the kitchens Jason wondered about the events that had occurred. [i]This whole incident seems to have taken a toll on everyone. I think I'm gonna sneak out tonight, get some fresh air.[/i] Jason began to wonder if forcing all these kids with powers and abilities into one school was such a good idea. Sure it made for a better social environment, but it seemed that their abilities didn't always mix well. They were relatively close to the kitchens, he turned to vedika. [color=39b54a]"So What's your take in this Vedika? What exactly do you think happened back there?"[/color] He asked while glancing around the room.[@stern algorithm]