[COLOR=CF748B][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]W I N T E R C A R L Y L E[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][sup]Day of the Dance - Mather Memorial High School[/sup][/INDENT] Winter flustered at the mear mention of her having any sort of [i]thing[/i] for Mr. Lehrer. Sure, she thought he was a good-looking man, but he was a teacher, and someone far older than her. She was even more upset that it was Sebastian suggesting such a thing. Before she could respond in turn, Sebastian flipped over the railing. In an instant, he was moving faster than she thought humanly possible. She saw the broad spectrum of these "abilities" as well as ice and fire flew around the room. Normal teenagers demonstrating such abilities astounded her, almost as much as having living, breathing werewolves in her gym causing mayhem. And here she stood, torn dress and rattled hair, as others fought. What happened before? She had a moment's time for clarity. She [i]saw[/i] Sebastian in a vision-like image in her mind. He was younger, but she recognized him. How did she see that? Why did she see that? These were questions that needed to be answered, among other things. Mr. Lehrer, glowing arms and all, was the key, she was sure of that. She heard the yelling of some language she had no hope of understanding. She turned to look and saw a hooded figure. The man was decked out in a unique style, much on point with the theme of the dance, but his yell was something otherworldly. The wolves stopped, the students stopped. Everything froze. His yell had sent everyone with a huge force. She crouched down, hoping the man didn't know she was there. He demanded Elroy and she was sure it was not for something good, like missed curfew. He looked at Aiden and made a demoralizing comment before the fire started. The gym was soon quelled in flames. She heard a familiar voice ring out as Mr. Lehrer came in, holding what looked like guns in his hands. Just what the hell was going on? In a blink of an eye, the two started fighting, but Mr. Lehrer was no match as she was tossed around and buried. The figure dissapeared and she sat there, stunned. Soon, the others got up and quickly ran for safety. No one made a mention of the hooded man. No mention of the fire and ice that came from her classmates. No mention of the werewolves. Instead, they were concerned about the fire. She shook off her fear and made a beeline for outside with the others. [center]_____________________________________[/center] She watched as the fire trucks and police arrived. She was glad the others were safe, but she couldn't put the night's events past her. Before she went to go find Sebastian, she looked for Mr. Lehrer. As the two made eye contact, regardless if he came to her or stayed away, she gave him a knowing look. A look that said...no...[i]screamed[/i] "We need to talk." She walked over to Sebastian and smiled at the man, [color=CF748B]"Seems you put more alcohol in it than you thought. There was a fire. Seems things got too rowdy at the dance. Our night was interrupted."[/color] Her face didn't betray her thoughts which were running rampant. Things would never be the same.