Her taunting smile rapidly melted into a scowl as he oh so bravely lowered the metal pipe he had been clutching for dear life. She turned her cheek away from him. If this creature wasn't going to be any fun, then she was simply wasting her time, staying on this land. Not only was he being boring, he wasn't taking her seriously at all. He was referring to her as 'lady' and telling her to go back where she came from. Was he trying to tell her what to do? The empress narrowed her eyes. This fool was making things worse for himself. If he wasn't going to take her seriously, she'd simply have to make him take her seriously. Screeching from outside the store blared in her ears. There was some sort of commotion going on, slamming and shouting. Why had more surface creatures come here? Did they not begin to flee earlier? The wounds in the earth were still fresh. They were fools to come. She didn't need their interference. It was time to get her business done, if she had no reason to stick around and amuse herself with her new bearer. She waved her hand to the side, and the small store lit up. The door and window disappeared behind a wall of blue flames spouting up from the floor, seemingly from nowhere. She glared daggers at the bearer on the floor. She was no surface creature 'lady'. "I will go back to where I came from only when I drag you with me."