It was quite some time before Aleks responded but Lilith could only guess as to why. Normally, it would be safe to assume he was contemplating her question. Possibly having doubts about witnessing the gruesome murder of a house full of people. However, Aleks was far from common and he seemed at peace with the moment. Finally, he responded, “I am.” His voice was resolute and the vixen before him knew better than to doubt his sincerity. Still, Lilith was hopeful she could catch him off guard. She had a wealth of tricks at her disposal and the prideful kumiho was eager to squeeze some fearful respect out of Aleks. “Of course I’m ready.” The fox let out a condescending chuckle, “One doesn’t turn down a free meal.” The young man seemed satisfied and prepared to leave. Lilith merely shook her head at the mention of him staying, occupying herself once more with the bracelet. It’d been awhile since she’d been gifted something so expensive. “I’m glad you’re alright.” Lilith’s head shot up in surprise but Aleks was already shutting the door, giving her no opportunity to respond. Not that she would have, the raven-haired woman was still frozen, trying to decipher the hidden meaning. The young Bratva member was many things, caring did not seem to be one of them. After several moments, Lilith’s brow unfurrowed and she finally pulled her gaze from the door.[i] He’s just glad I’m still able to help him.[/i] She finally decided, content with her reasoning. Sighing softly, she shook the issue from her mind and got ready for bed. It had been quite a long day. ~*~*~*~*~*~ The next evening, Lilith found herself poised in front of the mirror for well over an hour, trying to make sure every centimeter of her frame was immaculate. She’d spent a decent portion of the day shopping yet somehow seemed unsatisfied with every outfit she tried on. Then came the decision of what to do with her hair. By the time 9 0’clock rolled around, Lilith was in a sour mood from all the effort. She still wasn’t completely satisfied but the fox was out of time and with a huff, she took once last glance at her reflection and walked out the door. It was silly, really, Lilith looked stunning as ever and the reality was both hair and outfit were guaranteed to be ruined by night’s end. However, none of that mattered to the centuries old fox; this was a matter of pride. Lilith wanted every person who saw her that night to know she was better than them, wanted them to feel it in her presence. Masquerading as someone’s companion was demeaning to the kumiho and she was desperate to keep her ego unchecked. ~*~*~*~*~*~ Downstairs, Roza could barely contain her excitement. The handsome young man had not only returned, he was speaking to her! With a warm and wide grin, she was ready to tell him everything she knew. “Oh, she checked in about nine days ago. I’m not sure what she’s in town for or how long but she sure spends long hours out in the city. Usually, she doesn’t return until after midnight. She doesn’t talk much either, I assumed she didn’t know anyone local. You’re the only person I’ve seen her with. How long have you known her? And…. Do you know how long she’s likely to be staying?” The old woman’s voice reached a hopeful tone. A long-term guest was good business and, in this case, a good source of entertainment. “I don’t imagine I’ll be here for much longer, a week at most.” Roza nearly fell out of her chair at the sound of Lilith’s voice, gripping the desk with one hand and clutching her chest with the other. “Oh heavens me, child! You nearly stopped the old ticker.” Roza attempted to laugh of her embarrassment, “But it is a shame to hear you’ll be leaving so soon…” Lilith didn’t so much as glance at the woman, her focus solely on the man before her, “Aleks.” Her tone was calm but the kumiho’s golden eyes burned with clear displeasure, “Shall we head out?” Roza looked on in fascination, taking note of Lilith's appearance. The kumiho's [url=]inky hair[/url] was pulled to the right side, trained into loose curls that cascaded over her shoulder, a few gems pinned throughout. Her navy blue [url=]wool coat[/url] went almost to her ankles, hiding her dress from view but if her hair was any indication, it had to be elegant and very formal.