“You can’t just change the meaning of a word and position just because of some war being over…” Kai sighed, not understanding why Kabocha couldn’t get it into his head, “Heroes are not the same thing as nobles, not to mention they’re often quickly forgotten. I don’t see how the soldiers will be seen as heroes over the commanders and captains…” That would be a long shot, all the soldiers being treated like heroes too. They would be known as veterans forever and then be forgotten about, most likely. Who cared anyway, once it was over they’d probably either keep fighting evil or live with their father, maybe even travel. Kai didn’t really know what they’d be doing or what Choi wanted to do in the end. It was all pretty difficult in the end, having to decide what was going on in your future when you still relied on someone else for company who might want to do something else with the rest of their life. Choi wasn’t really believing Kabocha either, finding it to be a little strange that someone would be considered a noble because they were part of a war. That wasn’t how society worked, he learned that a long time ago. Nobles were born rather than made, it had always been like that. “Yeahhhh don’t you have to be of a high class in your blood too? I’m pretty sure we’ve got blood that noble females wouldn’t want in their family, anyway”, he sighed, looking elsewhere, “You may be told you can be anything, but not everyone’s special like that. I thought that much was pretty well known…heh, I guess you were never told because you’re a rich kid who don’t need no education on the struggles of society, huh? Heh!” Viral groaned lightly at Yumi’s little fussing over the Saiyans, seeing it as pointless to try and question it. There was always going to be people thinking they were doing good on each side and those who thought of the other side as evil, she just so happened to think the Saiyans were all evil for what they did. To him, the Rebels removing worlds out of the Saiyan’s control just made things worse, sending the planet into political chaos rather than curing it from what they would call tyrannical control. “Every world we’ve been to so far that has been under their control has been populated by bestial races of a primitive nature…races that could make it into space with confidence. To remove that control is like giving fire to cavemen and telling them to deal with it themselves…” Viral remained very bitter towards the Rebels because of their actions and decision making, especially when he didn’t see if they had control over the situations they left the other planets in. It couldn’t be too many planets they had managed to seize control of, but so far the ones that the Saiyans had no control over but the Rebels did were planets filled with civilised high-tech species. They probably didn’t know how to handle the more primitive type and he sure as hell hadn’t seen evidence that they knew how to. Simply glancing over at Yumi when she spoke of her doubts over the Rebels as well he simply looked away when the pilot called out to tell them of their progress, his eyes soon glancing to the streak of burning atmosphere as they began to enter the planet’s system. So they were finally going to land and now they had to get prepared, but with Leto having second thoughts about going to this planet that was apparently his homeworld Viral was having some regrets. He could barely handle one Leto nevermind a whole world of them. Groaning lightly he slowly sat up, looking elsewhere. “You don’t know if the Rebels are any better than the Saiyans, is that it?” he questioned her, letting out a sigh, “Until I see for myself that they are doing better than the Saiyans, I’ll never willingly call them my allies. Politics aren’t my forte, anyway…” ---- T’charrl opened his mouth before simply sighing as he was told about the tree, eventually smiling. “Great…that’s great. It was still mad at me for doing what I did, but I think it was more afraid of the surface harming it and stealing fruit…” That would be a pain for the tree, especially when the fruit was sacred and had to be gifted rather than picked. They only had a few monks down below that could look after the tree without talking to it and know when the fruit was being gifted, so training more for the surface would probably be a fair big problem. If the tree got mad it would stop fruiting altogether and stop providing the underground with light and keep the cities safe from wild beasts. It would be a bad time all around until it was given a happier existence again. Feeling like a lot of worry had been taken away from him he looked to Haku as he commented on the kingdom. “Really? Oh uhh…t-thanks…” It was hard to make a proper comment when he had lived here all his life so was familiar with everything, he was just so used to everything. Smiling a little, he looked to his father at the mention of the civilian situation and how society was getting on. It was nice to know that they were gaining allies now that there was no more fighting between nations, but he didn’t know if it was a good thing when he didn’t know what they were planning to offer. There was always a reason for them to want to talk to them, but he wasn’t a diplomat and was best keeping out of all that political stuff. Not particularly wanting to think about it his interest changed when his father decided to mention some new technology, one that made him a little nervous. “Uhh…technology…here? From Earth? What? It’s not something the other kingdoms are after…right?” ---- Shu gave Aito a quick nod before looking down again, feeling a little nervous already. Even if Aito said he shouldn’t feel overwhelmed from the treatments while they were happening he was already feeling quite overwhelmed, knowing it was all going to happen to him. “Ooohhhh…o-okay. I get, I get…” He didn’t know if he liked the attention, even if he was going to get better. He was a little scared that it would end in some change in his personality or something, that he wouldn’t be ‘Shu’ anymore because there was so much wrong with him that had to be fixed. As his attention just slowly disappeared he squeaked when Aito told him there was no more for today and that he was okay to go to this festival thing. Nodding a little he looked to Takeshi, nodding a little before squeaking as he was poked. Rubbing his forehead as he got off the chair he stared at Takeshi for a moment before his attention went to Sasha as she took hold of his hand. Tilting his head he soon smiled and bounced a little, squeaking happily. “Ooh! Not really sure what a festival is, but it sounds fun!” Maybe it was like a party or the tournament, but he wouldn’t know until he went there and saw what there was on offer. Feeling rather curious now he continued on with her, looking around quickly as he heard music before gasping at the sight of the strange structures ahead. He hadn’t seen these things before, he had no idea where they all came from at all. Bouncing as he walked along with Sasha he turned his attention to the large machine, feeling a little intimidated by the size of it. “Sit in chair and move? Ride it? Is it like a ship…? Where the candied thing Mister Aito said?”