[center][color=Deepskyblue][h1][center]Aiden Cross[/center][/h1][/color][color=Darkblue][h1]The Hand of God[/h1][/color][/center] [color=Darkblue]"Do I look like the type who would take place in such frivolity?"[/color] Even through the voice distortion, the frustration in his tone came out loud and clear. Wasting little times on words, the man walked up to snatch the delivery from the boy's hands. [color=Darkblue]"It's just some hacker using my name to cause a stir, an annoyance, but one that is easily fixed. The rat can't hide forever."[/color] Once he had the package, however, the man placed a firm hand on Mika's shoulder in order to keep him from leaving the area. While his grip wasn't particularly tight, the tiny arcs of electrical energy that danced about on his knuckles were more than enough warning for the boy to understand he wasn't to be excused just yet. [color=Darkblue]"Try anything and you'll fry. Unfortunately for you, delivery boy, I'm not quite certain why the COG has taken such a roundabout method of contacting me, so you'll have to stay here until I'm certain in it's validity."[/color] The hooded figure would glare down at the package, releasing Mika in order to get to opening the delivery. If the boy though about sneaking, a surge of electrical energy would burst in front of him, further discouraging the idea. Just in case the kid didn't get the first threat.[color=Darkblue]"Nothing personal, just that the situation is very unfavorable and having a meat shield helps.[/color] [@Grey]