[@LordofthePies] your skills should look more like this. And yes, please put all of them so we know your mods even for the skills you didn't put points in: [Hider=Skills] Appraise: 3 (+3 Int Mod) Balance: 3 (+3 Dex Mod) Bluff: 1 (+1 Cha Mod) Climb: 0 Concentration: 4 (+4 Skill Points) Craft: 3 (+3 Int Mod) Decipher Script: 7 (+4 Skill Points, +3 Int Mod) Diplomacy: 1 (+1 Cha Mod) Disable Device: 3 (+3 Int Mod) Disguise: 1 (+1 Cha Mod) Escape Artist: 3 (+3 Dex Mod) Forgery: 3 (+3 Int Mod) Gather Information: 1 (+1 Cha Mod) Handle Animal: 1 (+1 Cha Mod) Heal: 1 (+1 Wis Mod) Hide: 3 (+3 Dex Mod) Intimidate: 1 (+1 Cha Mod) Jump: 0 Knowledge (Arcana): 7 (+4 skill points, +3 Int Mod) Knowledge (Architecture): 3 (+3 Int Mod) Knowledge (Dungeoneering): 3 (+3 Int Mod) Knowledge (Geography): 3 (+3 Int Mod) Knowledge (History): 3 (+3 Int Mod) Knowledge (Local): 3 (+3 Int Mod) Knowledge (Nature): 3 (+3 Int Mod) Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty): 3 (+3 Int Mod) Knowledge (Religion): 3 (+3 Int Mod) Knowledge (The Planes): 3 (+3 Int Mod) Listen: 3 (+1 Wis Mod, +2 Racial Mod) Move Silently: 3 (+3 Dex Mod) Open Lock: 3 (+3 Dex Mod) Perform: 1 (+1 Cha Mod) Profession: 1 (+1 Wis Mod) Ride: 3 (+3 Dex Mod) Search: 5 (+3 Int Mod, +2 Racial Mod) Sense Motive: 1 (+1 Wis Mod) Sleight of Hand: 3 (+3 Dex Mod) Speak Language: 0 Spellcraft: 7 (+4 Skill Points, +3 Int Mod) Spot: 3 (+1 Wis Mod, +2 Racial Mod) Survival: 1 (+1 Wis Mod) Swim: 0 Tumble: 3 (+3 Dex Mod) Use Magic Device: 5 (+4 Skill points, +1 Cha Mod) Use Rope: 3 (+3 Dex Mod) [/hider]