[centre][b][h1][color=f7941d]Jamie[/color][/h1][/b][/centre] [@DustyOldCrow][@canaryrose][@Vas Khaleen][@Kyrisse][@Venku][@King Tai][@Gareth][@Wick][@dabombjk][@BlackPanther][@Ashevelendar][@Shadow Daedalus] Jamie smiled at Razor as he approached, and laughed at his reaction to the, at the moment, essentially placid Romarod. [color=f7941d]"Yes yes, Gun'tar is an ass, but Romarod is quite a nice person. You don't need to worry with him. Hey, I have another rabbit. I didn't get much of the last one, maybe we could cook it up again, I'd really love to try those spices"[/color] as Elyra fell asleep, she decided that was her queue to leave. Leaning forward, she gently stroked her friends hair, and she grabbed her own blanket, wrapping it around Elyra gently, although she was sure Elyra would be warm enough, snuggled againsr Razor. She rose, and stretched, [color=f7941d]"Now, if you excuse me, I have to go annoy Shadow Its been a few hours, he might start getting complacent"[/color] She chuckled, although the recent events had left her stomach a flutter with nerves, and worry that she might mess up whatever this was, and send Darius fleeing. She was quite interested to see what he meant by treating what they had as a special bond. Jamie, despite all her confidnece and her portrying of having been around the block a few times, she had absolutely no idea how to act in a relationship. [color=f7941d]"Look after Elyra, for me, will you Razor? She's had a tough day"[/color] She said softly, kindly, concerned for her friend. Before approaching Darius on the other side of the fire, Jamie went to check on Wiliam, finding him awake, and seemed to have gotten into a little spat with Malcom and Salem. Deciding not to get involved in that, Jamie went back to the fire, and plopped herself down by Darius, she didn't say anything, deciding for the moment to let Darius lead things for the moment, she took out her whetstone, and began to care for her sword, which with everything she had let that lapse.