[center][h2]Azo'tet[/h2][/center] Azo'tet was slightly annoyed that he seemed to be the last of his siblings to show up to the meeting as no one had appeared after his arrival. Not even Sekt had showed up and that was what annoyed him the most as he needed his closest ally present for his ambitions to succeed. He was silently mulling over his options on how to approach his current situation when Zadia appeared in the room making a large show of power as she strolled toward the throne claiming that power was her right. Morgrim tightened his grip on his scythe and seemed ready to act and even Azo'tet was putting weight onto his ax as he was ready to act at a moments notice as well. That was the moment that the guardian acted to split up the argument causing Azo'tet to raise his hand to his son as a signal to stand down. It was strange listening to his siblings discuss what to do with Zadia which ended in mixed results. It would be beneficial to keep the young demi-goddess in council as it could distract from his own goals to put his own name forward for the crown. He would also need to get Naqqash to take his father's throne and get a seat among the gods so that he could get another god to vote for him. He knew his siblings had mixed results about his person and he would have to campaign to earn some of their votes which wasn't always his strong suit, he would probably have to get Morgrim to whisper into the ears of their own children to sway some of their minds. The lord of Death slowly rose from his seat at the assembly and used his ax to support his weight as all four legs got underneath him. "Siblings, this is not a time for us to swing weapons at each other. We already saw how this has affected our family." He waved his hand around the room as he pointed out the empty thrones. "There are a few issues that are to be brought up today and we should all be present for these decisions." He made circles around the room using his large ax as a staff as he looked at each of the gods. Azo'tet needed to choose his words carefully as he new the tempers that some of the Gods had toward each other. "This is a neutral place and we should honor that choice. Zadia may not seem fit to take her seat among us, but that does not mean that she should not be present for the rest of the meeting. On another note, I move to have Naqqash take Greed's throne as I believe that he has earned his right these four hundred years." He nodded toward the spiked demi-god as a gesture that he was on his side. "There is also the matter of the empty throne that sits in front of us. I offer my own name be put forth as a neutral party who did not take part in the fighting all those years ago. I see no favorites on either side of the rift. I do regret my decision at times a I wonder if I had taken part if some of the dead may still be among us today." Azo'tet knew it was a big risk to throw a bid for the throw this early, but it was a gamble worth taking with the guardian watching over everyone. With these final words said, he made his way back to his throne and took his seat once again to see the reactions of the others.