[@gohKamikaze][@Song Book][@Alisdragon911][@Dark Light][@Snarfulblast] The wood elf ran his hand along his jaw thoughtfully; a straw doll was always something that had struck him as a peculiar thing. The idea of a cheap alternative to keeping a child entertained was not a strange concept but he could never quite wrap his head around it, still making a simple doll it couldn't be too hard and he probably might have something in his book. [color=00a651]"Well I'd be happy to lend any help I can"[/color] he stood giving his back a stretch and proceeding to the counter [color=00a651]"As the barman said, you should probably join us inside as I fear any instructions I have may be quite deep in this tome"[/color] Now seated more comfortably he began combing through his pages, a little slower than before, no need to rush if he didn't need to. Edit: Spelling