Sasha lifted his head at the sound of someone knocking at his door. The plucky young nurse's voice came through from the other side. Sasha stared at the closed door in a bit of disbelief. A movie? Really? Those idiots were going to get busted so hard. He was pretty sure this sort of thing was frowned on here. He dropped his head back down and stared at the ceiling for a few more minutes. Then again, he didn't really have anything better to do, did he. Sasha sighed as he stood and strode towards his door. He had a feeling that he was going to regret this. He walked down the hall to the recreation room and was met by the sight of a few other patients and Nancy nesting down to start a movie. He silently walked in and found a folding chair to pull up. He turned it around and sat in it backwards so that he could rest his arms and chin on the back.