Hello everyone! I am a long time member of the guild, but I haven't posted in a LONG time. I won't get into detail as to why here, but I'm finally ready to return to this place. And return I will, as a GM with a new RP! I want to do a post apocalyptic RP--shortly after a plague destroys most of humanity. Those survivors left have to deal with the constant threat of the disease that caused it in the first place, and other people. My aim is to have a Walking Dead feel when it comes to the human interaction. There will be some surprises along the way of course. But I wanted to see if anyone would even be interested in an RP like this. It would be very character development/story focused. It would be casual, with the emphasis that if you WANT to write at a more advanced level, you are free to do so--but it won't be forced upon you. I'd be looking for a small group of about 4-5 players, and I would be very open to collaboration too, especially so for the story. And there would definitely be instances where the decisions you guys make would determine where things go for sure. I would have several characters I play--2-3 mains plus NPCs and story important characters that aren't played by you guys. I wouldn't expect too much from how often you post. I'd ask maybe a few times a week, as I myself am VERY busy (I am in the military after all, the mission has to come before play), and probably couldn't post more than that anyway. so let me know if you would be interested. Reply here with your interest, and if you have any ideas, post those too! I want to get this going, I really want to get back into RPing again, and I've had an itch for post apocalyptic. Hope to see some interest!!!