[b]Hello and welcome, I am [u]The Chameleon[/u], and I have a thirst(pun intended) for a good Vampire 1x1 RP.[/b]💀💉😈 [i]My interest and desire were both set aflame by my recent vampire movie marathon this past weekend, which included Bram Stoker's Dracula(1992), The Forsaken, and Van Helsing. Now then, let's get on with the details...[/i] [b]ROLEPLAYING STYLE[/b] [i]I am a very advanced level writer, so I tend to stretch from standard casual up to the most complex of advanced writings.But don't worry, I can RP as both casual and advanced, as the tags above state. My rule is simple; no less than 5-7 sentences per post, even during battling and action scenes this can still be done. Free-writing and 2-3 sentences are 🔥💀[b]heresy[/b]💀🔥 to me. As for where I like to RP, that's simple; right here in the forums. I absolutely refuse to do private writing through messaging systems, chat rooms, and ect. My inner writer is passionate about his hobby and demands his works to be accessible to the public for viewing. If that's a problem for you then please just move on along, this is one personal rule I will not negotiate on. All my RP'ing will be in the forums.[/i] [b]PARTNER LOCATION[/b] [i]I prefer to RP only with people in the Western Hemisphere. So in other words, fellow Americans, Canadians, Caribbean Residents, and South Americans. This is too avoid the inconveniences of a major time difference. [/i] [b]BASIC PLOT SUMMARY FOR THIS RP[/b] [i]I would like it to be based off of Dracula and Van Helsing as far as elements, moods, and relationships and whatnot go. A mixture of dark and brooding atmospheres and story lines intertwined with spurts of happiness and romance and hope and whatnot. None of that sparkly "ooh-la-la" pretty boy teen drama twilight rubbish. It will be surrounding an ancient Vampire from millenniums ago. It will be set in either the late 1600's or the early to mid 1700's. As for where it will be staged, I'm thinking in the British Colonies in North America, the primary setting I mean, though other locations and settings will be incorporated as well. I'm still brainstorming, I have the main character vampire all made up in my head, but I'm still working on the basic plot of the story. Although honestly, I'm also yotally up for any suggestions and ideas.Im a very open person and willing to listen to anything anyone has to bring to the table. [/i] [b]So, I await eagerly, and while I wait, I'll be thinking this through more and more. PM me if your interested. I await eagerly! :D [/b] [b]P.S[/b], [i]I forgot to mention, I am a very devoted and serious Roleplayer. So, if you have a habit of getting bored and dropping an RP like a hot potatoe, please do not bother grabbing my attention. I like seeing good stories out all the way to the end. Not quitting when I'm bored.[/i]