[@Vampy] Cecilia marveled at Ivy's feats of pyrokinesis, especially after realizing that she wasn't going to accidentally set anything that shouldn't be set on fire well... on fire. However, once the fiery manifestation left her hands, reshaped into a bird and flew around safely above everyone, Cecilia thought that it was still Ivy making it happen. So when she looked again at Valencia, she saw her peering at the flaming bird like everyone else. The young Curtis smiled; the mysterious girl didn't seem like such a loner now. Maybe the first step for the girl to feel comfortable and make friends here [i]would[/i] be to participate. Cecilia gulped, but ultimately adopted a determined expression. The girl may very well dislike her for doing this, but that's a risk she'll just have to accept. "Hey um, Valencia?" she called out to her, a tad loudly to overcome the general sounds of astonishment from the other campers at the blazing spectacle. "It's your turn, alright?" she stated while motioning with the ball to visually convey that she'll be throwing it to her. Acting quickly before her nerves ran out, Cecilia lightly tossed the question covered ball to Valencia.