[quote=@Dinh AaronMk] Voted today, didn't have a very long line to contend with, was all well contained inside the building and was only a few people away from the desk to begin my journey. Of course, I also arrived at an odd time where everyone was still at work or just starting to get out. Was going to watch Dr. Strange after, but realized I wouldn't have time to make the showing I was going to see so instead I went home and made some of Berlin's Currywurst, but home made. [/quote] Drove by the polling station an hour ago and the line is still solid. I'm wondering if a decrease in polling stations might have happened here? Used to be we'd go to a school, now it's a church, so they swapped shit around one way or another. This is a blue county in a red state, so if they going to fuck over anybody it's going to be us.