[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#4dffa6]Dorothy Pender[/color][/h1][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m7vqe3y0i81rsy50k.gif[/img][/center][hr][center]Location: Crash Site[/center][hr][hr]Dorothy kept her face guarded as Genevieve claimed to be lethal up close. She liked the girl, she really did, but she was awfully childlike. Eventually, the day would come where they would have to fight for their lives--and Dorothy had little faith that Genevieve would be able to accomplish too much. There was a difference between knowing the techniques of fighting and being able to actually fight. Theory didn't match up with application as much as it may seem to. Dorothy knew countless recruits who were textbook perfect, and they were killed all the same. She didn't want that to happen to Genevieve--or to Daphne, for that matter, but she knew her sister was already battle tested. Their upbringing had seen to that. Once Genevieve and Daphne left, Dorothy contented herself with handing the occasional tool to Gideon, taking off her coat and enjoying the slight coolness that came with that. She knew that she was hard on her sister--but she was hard on [i]everyone[/i]. Handing tools to Gideon as he asked for them, Dorothy kept her mind focused on the task, though she was slightly worried about the Captain still. Poisoning wasn't something that everyone could shake off, and with their luck today, there would be more danger shortly to follow.