[@Ojo chan 42][@Wick] Vladimir rolled his eyes but chuckled. [color=lightblue]"Considering how long I've been hiding that internally....that might explain my bad moods."[/color] A joke...he had watched piper leave had heard that he was...leader of her pack. He did not want this. After all, he did not consider himself purely wolf...nor purely vampire. The hate that he had faced for so long meant he did not identify as either. Rather he identified himself as neutral in all aspects. He slowly raised a brow at nora and stood. [color=lightblue]"We do not need so many things to kill one leech."[/color] After all they did have more individuals then before and Vlad most certainly did not trust nora. [color=lightblue]"Even if there are more weapons...which I do not remember being there.....we do not need them. Its excessive."[/color] He moved to sasha and looped one of her arms around his waist so she could use him for support. [color=lightblue]"And no way are you coming. I agree with Mitias on that one."[/color] That cross had been in his side for quite some time...he had after all only ever used it once. He tilted his head. [color=lightblue]"Now the more important thing to think about is....what on earth are we going to do about piper being with dracula at this moment"[/color] It was said with little concern....he was more worried about sasha then anything or anyone else.