Hmmm... Jason's place in high school society... Well, he lives in the trailer park with his mom, and his dad isn't around. He mentions a half brother he barely knows and hasn't seen since he was a kid. My thought is that the dad and his family live in another town, maybe at least an hour away, and his mom was some sort of one night stand gone awry, or a friend who made a mistake. His mom is also poor, and a bit of an alcoholic. I'm thinking she is a waitress. So Jason has a lot to face whenever he's home, so likely he's out. He works at the hardware store so would likely run into people downtown. His car is ugly (peeling paint et all) despite being not bad for 5k, so people would know it when they see it rolling down the street or parked outside a shop. Most of his clothes are thrift, he's all about resale shops and saving his pennies. He likes music, he'd been seen at the music store or resale records/book shop looking for cheap entertainment. You might see him at concerts, especially rock/punk types of venues. He's unlikely to hang around the mall or expensive places. He'd be the kid that orders black coffee at Starbucks if he had to go to one. He doesn't play an instrument but he likes to sing along with songs he knows, and is actually pretty good at it. He's good at hands-on stuff. He's interested in attending trade schools rather than college, so his extracurricular class would be Shop where he learns things like welding and carpentry as well as other skills that go towards building things. He's working on plans to turn his Mazda into an art car. People don't treat him well because he's from the trailers, and he got used to it by junior high. He's been on the free lunch program as long as he's been in school. He's friendly enough to talk to, should you bother, but otherwise can be a bit of a loner focused on sketching plans for his car in the margins of his notebook. However, he'd be flattered to be asked about the drawings, and happy to join in on things he actually gets invited to (not that there's much.) He would have a hard time relating to people who have easy blessed lives.