[centre][b][h1][color=f7941d]Jamie[/color][/h1][/b][/centre] [@DustyOldCrow][@canaryrose][@Vas Khaleen][@Kyrisse][@Venku][@King Tai][@Gareth][@Wick][@dabombjk][@BlackPanther][@Ashevelendar][@Shadow Daedalus] [color=f7941d]"Elyra, go to William, now, I'll cover your retreat"[/color] Jamie et her voice echo across the camp, wishing there was another way, the tightening in her chest causing just a hit of panic to enter her voice. Or maybe that was the fact Darius was injuried. She glanced at Darius, but knew that she coulldn't spare much time other then to make sure he wasn't about to die. Jamie's arrows flew with deadly accuracy as she began to fire again, [i]twenty left...[/i] She knew she should be careful about what targets she took down, but there didn't seem to be any point. Her aim turned towards where Salam and Malcum were, and she began to take down the bandits attack them, soon aiming for the ones that held Salem. No one was going to die if Jamie could help it. She liked living. And she liked most of her companions. She didn't even know where Elyra was, or even if ELyra had heard her call, but she still continued to take down bandits, constantly glancing about her, making sure that there were none trying to sneak up on her and Darius, and if any did, Jamie would pause a moment in her firing, pull out her blade, and slice them open, now fighting with a dedication that seemed to push her to her very limits. She was furious. Not just at the bandits, but at the fact Darius had gotten hurt, protecting her. Foolish, to have allowed that to happen. And she was a litte scared, too. What if Darius decided he couldn't be with her, she was too much a distraction? So she fought with skill that defied her usual level, and when she ran out of Arrows, she slung her bow across one shoulder, and pulled out her knives. Jamie went towards the banditsstill standing close to her and Darius, and she began to fight, her aim deadly accurate as she would dart in, quick as a flash, stab some vital organ, or slash a neck, stab through an eye, and dance back away, gone before they knew they were dead, When she'd hopefully given anyone she could a respite, she returned to Darius's side, breathing hard, hair in her eyes, she'd either popped the stitches on her arm fromt he arrow wound, or it had been sliced open again. She had a cut over one eye, the blood effecting her sight somewhat, and her hands, her knives, were stained with blood, guts, gore. She looked a little banged up, and she knew she was running out of stamina, but she wouldn't give up. [color=f7941d]"Sit, or it won't be William that kills us"[/color]