Eodras slowly looked up to see the Haradrim woman standing over him, obviously the discrimination towards her had finally become too much. It wasn't just Eodras who been horrible with her, almost everyone hated her and it was a surprise that she'd managed to stay with the group for this long. A few moments later she started to talk to him. Eodras watched her grin so he couldn’t really tell how bothered she was by his actions, did she not care or was she trying to mask her emotions with humour, Eodras had no idea. He took a while to actually say anything back to her. "I think you know that it wasn't a mistake Haradrim and if they're from the same place as you, that's how we treat women." Eodras calmly replied as he looked back down at the fire and took a bite out of the squirrel. "You can take your hand off your sword, I don't plan on having a fight tonight." Eodras sighed then looked back up at her leaning against the tree thinking. "Why would come this far north? You must have known people were going to treat you like this… You could have at least worn something a bit less noticeable." [@Vas Khaleen]