[center][h1]Xsar[/h1][/center] Xsar sat in his multi-colored throne through the display of the Guardian and his power, he wasn't even interested in the exchange much less surprised. He sat pondering the events and how the inevitable civil war will unfold, his theories of [b]what[/b] might happen began to descend into madness quickly but the surface of it seemed to be a sure thing already. Several Gods laying claim to the throne, old rivalries and petty squabbles sparking the tinder to war.. He smirked to himself, which was of little consequence as the other gods have to contain their emotions and expressions. Xsar did not, his insanity being the perfect cover for any slipped expression... so he didnt even try any longer, a serious expression on his face was far more suspect than an amused smirk. The best part of this godly civil war was his position, and to an extent Janin's. While they may not be loved by many of the others they are hardly viewed as a threat. Xsar displayed this handily during the first civil war, applying military pressure to both sides randomly. Never committing a serious force or engaging in the major battles. Except when it came to capturing the goddess of Knowledge a few years ago. In an instant his childish smirk switched to pained sadness, not at her death as the rest of their family had mourned, but at her enslavement. He hated that he had to enslave her in such a way... but he had to know about his enemy, about the Maruk, he had to [b]KNOW[/b]. His eyes flashed wide in sudden fury that evaporated a moment later as he realized that there was some debate happening around him. He glanced up again, having entirely missed the gods talking over the last few moments. Seemed like the fishy god was probably jockeying for position again, and Azzy threw his hat into the ring for king. He hopped up in the throne and stabbed a finger at Azo'tet "You can't be king!" he shouted at the top of his voice "It would be too depressing." before turning to Aesis "and you can't either, you are way to [b]Fishy[/b]" and promptly sitting back down wondering if anyone else would catch his double meaning of fishy... and hoping he could piss off Aesis enough to start a fight so the guardian would smack him around. He beamed at Aesis looking happy as could be, mostly to just get under his skin a little more. [hider= OOC] Yes ive cleared the knowledge god with Yen[/hider]