Kai really saw there being no way they would ever be considered a noble just because they were soldiers, especially when there was probably thousands more capable than both him and his brother. They weren’t particularly memorable other than being twins and that wouldn’t be enough to consider them nobles because they won some war. He just didn’t see how people would accept that, not to mention there was no way it would bring them anything more than what they already had. “Even if they take notice of us and decide to give us a ‘reward’ like becoming a noble, just what is it supposed to change about us?” he asked looking quite suspicious about what kind of answer he’d receive, “You can’t make thousands upon thousands nobles just because of some war. Back when your father’s grandfather was fighting it would’ve been on a much smaller scale. It would had just been the Saiyans…” “Now that I think about it, there are loads of other races in this war too, huh?” Choi sighed, scratching his head briefly, “Isn’t there hundreds more qualified than us too?” It would be a pretty broken social system if everyone who fought could be a noble, not to mention there was the point of what even did a noble do that was different from being a normal citizen. He wasn’t too bothered by it all, so long as they didn’t end up homeless after the war. “Kitchen losers?? Excuse you but the kitchen is a very respectable place to be! You know we could easily poison you if we wanted to? Wait, you consider us your best friends? Heh, thought you were only putting up with us because we’re on the same team…” Viral was generally fed up with the Rebels the moment he met them, especially when he had such a terrible start and first impression. They didn’t like him because of what he had done when he was with the Saiyans, even if he had been under the control of someone else. He had still shown he could be a monster when allowed to do terrible things under command so maybe they shouldn’t be blamed for that. He still didn’t like being around those who knew what he had done and were probably hiding their hatred for him. Yumi didn’t seem to know what to think about when it came to the Rebels herself, but of course she didn’t know them as well as he did. She was really naïve when it came to these issues of war and what people could survive on when it came to space travel. Sighing lightly he grew a little fed up, but when Yumi invaded his personal space he gave her a staring at, narrowing his gaze. He really didn’t know if she was just saying that on the fly or if she was being serious because that was not a particularly smart thing to say. It didn’t much make sense either, there was too much they would have to watch out for after the battle. “They’ll want to know who sent us…and then there’s Leto. No doubt he’ll be talking after this”. As the ship came into land Viral got prepared by unbuckling his harness and held onto the top of his seat as he stood, balancing fairly easily as he waited for the signal. It didn’t seem as if they were going to be able to get much closer to the ground before the hatch was open and the signal to leave was given. Looking to the pilot in annoyance at the place he decided to almost land at he gave Yumi a quick glance before heading out after Leto and the other soldiers. That big idiot was already heading out without them like he was the main hero here which certainly managed to piss him off already. While the rest could fly he had to jump out and run after Leto, hardly managing to stop his way onward like Leto could as he was more soft-footed than the big idiot. “Are you trying to split us apart, you imbecile??” ---- T’charrl was pretty happy to hear all that, he was certain he wasn’t going to get a telling off if the tree was alright. He had been its friend since he was little and he had caused it to overgrow like that so it was his fault it was as it was now. “Oh, really? T-That’s…really good…” He didn’t like the thought that he might’ve left his world in a bit of a state after leaving so suddenly, he did want to help fix things but luckily his family had fixed everything for him. He was feeling happier to say the least, even if he was still needing to be fixed up himself. To be stuck unable to fix his own body while his powers had caused things to escalate pretty badly stressed him out a lot, but maybe soon he might be able to find a way to manage all that and limit the stress he was going through by hopefully a lot. He wondered how many people he had upset because of what he had done, knowing he had destroyed people’s homes as well by being so hasty. He didn’t know what he was supposed to do though, he was panicking pretty badly when it was his first time changing like that. He barely knew who he was until Takeshi’s friends called out his name which made it even worse for him to bear. Hearing about what had been going on had him feeling a little nervous, however. He had seen what it was like in Space and how hard it was to survive sometimes and if their discoveries were getting to the point where it would benefit their species he didn’t know if that would end with them all in Space too. It sounded like so much had happened while he was gone, like several decades of progress in such a short time and it was scaring him, especially when he was used to everything going so slow and having to scrape a living together even as a royal family. He didn’t know why his family were so happy about it, but maybe he should try to be happy about it too and hope that nothing terrible would come of it. “A new world? Oh uhh, that sounds uhh…kind of scary, but I believe it will be okay…I hope”. Frowning a little, he looked to his father as he reminisced about his position and their ancestry, disliking the thought that it was all going to end if things continued to progress. “I-I’ll still be a soldier! I’ll keep it going! I mean, warfare and battling is in our blood and I don’t want that to disappear. There’s much worse threats out there than just our kind and I want to be able to keep battling until I can’t anymore! There may be no more wars here, but out there it’s a whole new world of struggling and fighting…” ---- Shu felt mildly interested, but he wasn’t sure how he’d do all tied down and on a strange machine that moved seemingly on its own. It couldn’t be that much different than being in a vehicle and that freaked him out a bit, but this was all therapy work and he was supposed to get over that meaning he had to be brave. He needed to be able to put up with this and brave through the day that was supposed to be really fun, especially as everyone else around him was having lots of fun themselves. He was going to try and be brave, he was supposed to be a Saiyan and not afraid of things that people younger than him were able to do with ease and enjoyment. Gasping a little when Sasha ended up suggesting going for the fruit first he stared at her for a moment before giving a quick nod, trying to keep up with her as she took him along to a stall to get some. Feeling curious, he watched the entire process and stared at the fruit as they finally got one, gently taking his from her when offered before giving it a thoughtful sniff. He didn’t know what to make of a day like this. Everything was happening because he had problems and not because they actually wanted to go. He wondered how things might had changed if he never did get treatment and was just going to continue going about his daily life, he probably wouldn’t had come to a place like this. Licking at the fruit thoughtfully he squeaked a little before staring at it, feeling quite mesmerised by how sweet and unique it tasted. Feeling a little better for just a moment he squeaked when he heard Ricken sounding quite angry behind him, turning to see he was having a bit of a fight with Takeshi. Not really knowing what was going on he frowned deeply, hiding his expression behind the fruit. They were here to have fun today but he couldn’t quite figure out whether they were having fun themselves, all three of them. They were already fussing over seemingly nothing all while expressing general dislike over one another. He felt it was his fault a little bit, it was because of him that they were all together today. Licking at his fruit before having a nibble he stared out thoughtfully, trying to work everything out in his head before looking up at Sasha when she mentioned his name. Staring at her, he listened to what there was to offer before turning to Ricken who made a suggestion. “Prizes…?” he repeated before squeaking when he placed a hand on his shoulder, looking to it thoughtfully before back up at him. “Oooh, a kid like me?” Not really knowing what he was talking about he gasped as he was forced to turn around and pushed forward, his feet hurrying along as he continued to try and eat at his fruit. Maybe this was normal, so he had to act like he normally would in return and continued along, hoping he was doing everything correctly himself to keep the others happy with him and not end up fighting again. “W-What kind of games is there? How do you get toys…?”