[h3][color=fff200]Fuse the Luxio[/color][/h3][b][Folio Town - Folio Guild: Glyph's Office][/b] After Fuse finished his tale, he slipped into a deep thought. He wondered if he should have told Glyph about Hikari, the fact that the two knew who she was, and how much she meant to him. He sat there with his eyes closed, as a memory of the past played through his head... [hr] [i] [h3][color=fff200]Ligero the Luxio[/color][/h3][b][Unknown - Luxray Clan][/b] It was finally time for his right of passage. It seemed simple enough. The Manectric Clan had stolen one of their sacred relics from their village in a raid a long before. As his right of passage into adulthood, he had been assigned the task of recovering this stolen relic. Before him stood the leader of their clan, a powerful Luxray named Stormer. [color=aba000]"Now, Ligero, you must not fail in this task. To succeed would mean being accepted as an adult, a protector, of our clan. To fail... I won't say for now."[/color] He said, looking upon the young Luxio. [color=aba000]"Now, go Ligero. But be cautious. It is a dangerous world outside of our land's borders. You have no idea what awaits you out there. You have your supplies, and your brain. Use both well, and learn."[/color] He finished, stepping aside. Ligero said nothing. He started taking his first steps into the outside world. The world beyond the boundaries of the land they lived on. He took one last look back as he started over the dunes of the vast desert ahead of him. He flashed a smile at one of his closest friends, Hikari, still a Shinx. She still had a ways to go before her right of passage. She had much youth ahead of her, even bearing a pink flower in her hair that he had picked for her. Now it was time to say goodbye, for what he thought would be only a couple of weeks. That span turned into months. Soon... over a year... [/i] [hr] His attention was roused when he felt the shadow imp poke his ear. He turned and listened distantly as Letho spoke to him. [color=fff200]"Yeah... right... okay, yeah. Let's go..."[/color] He said, his thoughts continuing to drift between the past and present. [h3][color=1a7b30]Brute the Venasaur[/color][/h3][b][Folio Town - Eastern Residential District][/b] As the Totodile answered, and the Kirlia remained silent and seemed quite nervous, the Venusaur spoke. [color=1a7b30]"Oh, so you're the other members of Team Horizon, are you? Nice to meet you, then."[/color] He said. When Devon said they wanted to bring her to a party, he scoffed. [color=1a7b30]"Party? Back in my day, we didn't have parties unless we discovered something completely out of this world! You should have seem the place after we came back from our greatest expedition to date..."[/color] He began to babble now about an Expedition he was a part of back in the day where they really made a name for the Folio Guild.