Thea gave an almost embarrassed flick of her ever-present apron at Calanon’s thanks. “[i]We’re[/i] the ones honored to have you accept our request.” She gave a small smile. “It means more to us than you know.” With that, she returned to the table and collected the emptied plates. Noticing Calanon’s gaze turn to her, she returned his look. Understanding his nod, she stood then pushed her chair into the table. Merek quickly followed suit. “Thank you both,” he said with a deep nod of his own. “May the road and winds be on your side.” He stepped around the table and offered a hand to Rayadell. Rayadell took it and shook, the man’s other massive, rough hand clapping over the back of hers for a moment before he turned to do the same to Calanon. With their farewells behind them, Rayadell led the way to the back door, exiting first. Golden rays just brushed the sky, eagerly showing their face to bring the new morning. The call of a couple roosters somewhere on the property greeted the sun with just as much vigor. Here, even in the early spring, a chill clung to the crisp air. The scent of various animals and hay hung heavily on the property, creating a sickly sweet mixture. Rayadell turned to Calanon. “I should warn you,” she began in her usual monotone. She looked to the stables where she assumed the elk she had heard talk of waited. “Animals and I don’t exactly... [i]get along[/i] very well."