[hider=Ekitai] [h2]Basic Info[/h2] [b]Name:[/b] Ryu Wakamatsu [b]Alias:[/b] Ekitai - which literally means liquid in Japanese [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 17 [hider=Appearance][center][img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-9eetKzYmonU/VheqyAZ9ZeI/AAAAAAAAK28/xhM4b7nCX-U/w800-h800/FB_IMG_1444391242013.jpg[/img] Standing at a height of 5'7", he's not large and intimidating. He has a lean type of build. He has bright blue hair and pale blue eyes. He tends to wear an open long sleeved button up shirt and black shirt inside and a blue scarf. Although if he's from school, he would be wearing that school uniform. The Judgement Armband is always in his pocket in case of anything that just suddenly happens around him. He has two cylindrical containers that is placed on something like a duty belt around his waist. It is colored black but inside is water. There are two holes on top of each container so the water can get out when he needs it.[/center][/hider] [h2]Personal Information[/h2] [b]Personality:[/b] Friendly and easygoing, you wouldn't guess Ryu is part of the Judgement until he wears the band on and when there's no trouble. He tends to look very relaxed when he's walking around the city, as if there are no imminent threats or terrorists around, or even criminals. Because of his friendly smile and face, he doesn't seem very intimidating and children trust him almost immediately. Although he's pretty awkward, and he knows that, and he tends to let out nervous chuckles every now and then. He doesn't seem to try hard to look or feel intimidating. He seems like the kind of person you'd refer to as a big brother. He tends to drag out talks with the enemy just so he can think of a strategy. Ryu likes sneak attacks so he can dispatch the enemies quickly so he doesn't have to fight for long. He doesn't like violence very much after all. But he will fight if he needs to. He keeps to protocol, so he leaves the proper apprehension to the Anti-Skill. Although he will charge in if they need any help, and with years of experience under his belt, he is quite trusted in the community. [b]History:[/b] Ryu was born and raised in Academy City. Like most in the City, he was also an Esper. However, he started off as a mere Level 1 when he was only a kid, barely even moving water from one glass onto the other with only his power. This did not bother him but he still strived to become stronger. He led a normal life, as normal as it can get in the City full of Espers and hidden Magicians. He looked up to Misaka Mikoto, an Esper who started out as a Level 1 and got to Level 5 by the time she entered middle school. It just amazed him. And he wanted to be just like her, or at least, as powerful as her. Years pass by and he trained harder and harder and his level went up. Upon reaching the age of 14, he had gotten to Level 4 and had a good grip and understanding of his power. He signed up for Judgement as one of their field agents, and having that kind of level and above average physical and mental capabilities, he was accepted after passing all 13 tests and signed the 9 contracts. Overkill? He thought not. It was a dangerous side-job, even with the Anti-Skill's help. He has entered a good high school and would often patrol when he can as part of Judgement. If one were to talk of one major event in his life, it would be the first time he fought and nearly killed someone in an act of self-defense. back when he was only 14 before he advanced to Level 4, he had been walking down the street. Alone and seemingly vulnerable. The street had been nearly empty and someone pulled him aside into an alley and then pushed him towards the dead end. He panicked and tried to back up, only for his back to be met with a wall. Two men advanced towards him, both intending to steal from the male. In an act of defiance, Ryu willed for water to come to him and his water plastic bottle practically exploded and the water got out. He lashed out at the two, the water was sharp and fast and injured the two. However, he quickly realized that there was no hope when the liquid escaped his grasp and dropped down on the ground not to be used again. Although one was injured and blood was flowing down his arm, and the other had his abdomen bleeding, they were still standing and taunting the kid. That was when Ryu found out about his ability to control blood as well. The blood came to him, shocking all three, and then Ryu was able to use it against the others and then he managed to escape. [h2]Combat Info[/h2] [b]Ability:[/b] Level 4: Liquid Manipulation - Ryu has the ability to control and shape liquid to an extent. He can only control liquid that is within twenty feet from him and he cannot make water appear out of nowhere. He has the ability to create ice by cooling the liquid he has within his control but once it is solidified - he cannot liquify it and thus cannot control it again so he mainly does it for solid weaponry. And because he has the ability to control liquid, and not only water in particular, he can control blood as well, as long as he can see it and within range. He cannot forcibly take out blood from a person or an animal for him to use. It has to be oozing out of the person before he can do anything with it. He can stop bleeding to an extent because of that. But it becomes increasingly difficult if the blood just gushes out quickly. [color=skyblue]"Liquid does not like being contained. Therefore, I cannot keep control over it for very long."[/color] [h2]Other[/h2] [b]Relatives:[/b] [list] [*] Asumi Wakamatsu [mother] - An Esper who has control over ice, level 3. A kind and caring mother who looks after her children. She lets them do what they want but does warn them to be careful. [*] Kai Wakamatsu [father] - A normal person who works in the Anti-Skill. He tends to be out at work for a long time and only comes back at dinner so he doesn't bond much with his family, but they still love him anyway. [*] Amy Wakamatsu [twin sister] - Level 3 Esper with metal manipulation. She is close to Ryu. She went to Tokiwadai Middle School and now goes to Ushiura High School and is her last year there. [/list] [b]Possessions:[/b] [list] [*] Water canisters - He has two of them on his person just in case, for emergencies. He has special permission from the government because of something that had happened to him before. [*] Smartphone - His personal phone that most of his friends and family knows. [*] Work Phone - A phone that can be fitted in his ear and he always has it on. It is connected to the Judgement hotline and is used for emergencies. [/list] [b]Quirks/Hobbies/Miscellaneous Info:[/b] [b]Theme Song:[/b] [/hider]