[hider="Hat-chan"][b]Name:[/b] ([i]The field has been blotted by tea stains. What was once here is almost unreadable.[/i]) [color=#2E2C2C]葛葉 "Kuzunoha"[/color] [b]Nickname/Alias:[/b] ハットちゃん "Hat-chan" [b]Position:[/b] Part-Timer [b]Nationality:[/b] Japanese [b]Age:[/b] 16 (b. March 3) [b]Gender:[/B] Female [b]Blood Type:[/b] O+ [b]Appearance:[/b][HIDER][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/LTTgiPo.jpg[/IMG][/HIDER] [b]Biography:[/b] A native of the city of Kobe, Japan, the girl known only by her surname or the alias of "Hat-chan" to her compatriots was born on the 3rd of March as the second child and only daughter of a shinshoku and his wife. As such, her upbringing was a typically traditionalist one, keeping alive the ways of the old country that was rapidly casting off the past in its rapid quest to stay ahead of the future. She learned a variety of things under the care of her parents, even helping out at the shrine her father was caretaker of from time to time. It was a rather interesting world in the oft-forgotten metropolis, and for a number of years, the hatted female was content in all she could do. Yet when she was eight, her family decided that they would send her off to boarding school after a few ... disputes ... with the local organised crime families. And so Hat-chan packed her bags and flew across the country to the sovereign entity of Academy City, where she found herself utterly alone with nothing but a bag of hats, some cash and fresh clothes. The family friend that was supposed to pick her up had disappeared (likely into one of the City's crazy science experiments, because that was what a Kihara did, right?) and the only reason she had not been kicked out was that they'd fortunately given her a permanent residency visa before she was thrown to the hounds. Had she been any other average, Japanese eight year old, Hat-chan probably would've ended up staying in one of the City's many orphanages, grouped together with the Child Errors whose lives would have been at the mercy of superpowered gangs and mad scientists. However, she was not a mere eight year old, and possessed the skills gained through her years of training and experience under one of Kobe's stranger priests, and so took to the streets as a beggar, utilising her cheery charm, young age and surprising eloquence in order to obtain the funds required for a really cheap smartphone. From there, the city became her oyster, as she slowly integrated herself into the workings of this Esper-filled world, making new friends and setting up a GoFundMe in order to further stabilise her life. With these contacts in hand, it was easy for Hat-chan to find some unscrupulous figures willing to give work to prepubescent kids, and so began to earn money from the part-time jobs she kept diligently throwing herself into. It was a tough life, one that demanded all her attention and effort if she wanted to eat a dinner each night that wasn't a "MgRonalds Joyful Lunch". Minimum wage jobs kept her afloat and alive, but for a little kid with nobody who would care for her, it wasn't really enough. She had no free time to buy second-hand textbooks so she could learn, no disposable income for all the toys she adored, and not enough to even rent an apartment. Life was relatively stable, but she knew that if anything went wrong, her life would crash harder than the Columbia space shuttle. It was quite fortunate then, that like the rest of her spiritual family, Hat-chan was an especially lucky gal. When she was ten, Hat-chan's GoFundMe account (established with the assistance of MgRonalds' Free WiFi) struck gold, and she obtained enough money to obtain for herself a portable DVD player. This was pleasing for her, as she had always been an avid fan of superhero shows, and a nearby store was willing to sell an entire boxset on the cheap for her. So the girl, giddy in her success, waltzed into the place and obtained her prize, and had been waiting in line to pay for it when suddenly, things seemed to go wrong. You see, another girl her age, who we will now call 若久 陽子 "Wakahisa Youko", shared the exact same interests as Hat-chan, and had also been visiting the store in order to obtain a cheap boxset of their beloved series. The problem was that the little miss was also part of a pretty rich family, and so a group of bad guys assaulted the store, intent on kidnapping the girl and holding her to ransom. As they were lacking in solid information on what exactly Youko looked like, they ended up kidnapping both of the ten year olds instead, deciding that it was better to be safe than sorry. So it was with only her hat and recently-bought boxset that Hat-chan found herself trapped in a dark room with a crying rich girl, who had, unfortunately, not managed to buy a boxset. It was a trying time being held to ransom, even after their kidnappers had learned that no, Hat-chan wasn't the girl they were looking for. She was forced to stay in captivity in order to prevent her from blabbing, and because she was keeping Youko company (even for bad guys, the kidnappers were relatively gentle on the kids). With nothing else to do, the two managed to bond, spending two weeks discussing all sorts of random bits of kids' TV shows and arguing who was the cooler Disney princess. It was a remarkable experience for the young Hat-chan, as she had finally made her first actual friend in Academy City, even though it required her to be kidnapped at first. And so when Anti-Skill finally discovered their location and freed them, it was with sadness and disappointment that she left her newest friend. But the thing was, one did not simply help a rich heiress girl out in a time of great stress and trouble without benefiting from it, and it was during a hot summer day when she was twelve that Hat-chan received a text message from the Wakahisa family, who were willing to help her out of her homeless state in order to repay her kindness. Being the type of person she was (see: opportunistic), the girl immediately agreed to the deal, and was set up with one of the family's many butlers as a ward, which also allowed her to deepen and intensify her friendship with Youko, who was also quite glad to see her friend again. Indeed, for the next number of years, they would attend the same middle school together (despite her total lack of participation in the Power Curriculum), but unfortunately, all good things would come to an end, and their school life together was finished when Hat-chan was somehow accepted into Kichijoji, while Youko ended up in some posh private school that required buttloads of money to enter. This was a situation that coincided with the death of her guardian, and Hat-chan soon returned to her independent lifestyle (though with the buffer established by living in a stable household, her continuance of her myriad part-time jobs throughout those years allowed her to buy herself a cheap apartment to stay in). And so, it was with a new home, a lot of new jobs, a spot at some karate dojo and a new place of education that Hat-chan started the next chapter of her life, now free of the wild whirlwind of a ride that her old world had been. Or at least, if everything written above as according to her claims was actually accurate and verifiable. She tended to be a pretty hard girl to get a proper read on, so one must take everything with a pinch of salt. [b]Personality:[/b] [i]Altruistic ~ Insightful ~ Warawa ~ Sweets Lover ~ Mysterious[/i] A relatively carefree-seeming girl, Hat-chan spends her day to day life embracing the whimsical, almost-absurd world she resides in, whether it be through watching her powerful classmates at work or engaging in her numerous part-time jobs that would seem almost impossible to do as one person. Yet she is more than simply "one person", possessing remarkable and diligence and skill that would have painted her as a freak workaholic had one never seen her laze around at home. If she is given a job, she will do it respectfully and well, knowing that quality is something that matters in life, no matter how weird or irritating something could be. Few things really annoy her, as she simply seems to smile away at most of what the world throws at her. Hat-chan is indeed an [i]incredibly[/i] difficult person to get a read on, especially as she really doesn't engage in conversation beyond small talk with those who aren't considered her close friends. Her calm aura is seemingly ever-present, to the point where it feels as if she's serious about almost everything. She's responsible and and active at all times, but even then her lack of overt expressiveness keeps her from really being known by others. Simple competency (interrupted by bursts of hot-headed exclamations) seems to define our Hat-chan's person, and it is this view that most know her by. Years of living in poverty and on her lonesome, however, have also instilled in her a sense of possessiveness, and Hat-chan can be incredibly protective of those things in what she considers her area of influence. Whether it be her own property (which she keeps incredible care of) or her friends (who she will protect no matter what), any hothead who dares hurt what is "hers" should really find someone to get them "outta here" before she explodes (with requisite finger-snapping habit to complement her points). Indeed, even despite her joking tendencies among friends, even they are not immune if they dare try and maybe snatch a few chips from her plate, as it was her who paid for it. She doesn't tolerate this kind of stuff lightly, unless you are incredibly close to her. Still, she's a generous and altruistic type of gal, and will help you out of a jam whether or not you asked. It's just her thing. [b]Likes: [/b] [list][*]Bargains [*]Superheroes [*]Headwear [*]Sweet foods [*]Getting paid [*]Absurdism [*]Friends [*]Headwear [*]New clothes [*]Part-time jobs [*]MgRonalds' Free WiFi [*]Studying [*]Martial arts [*]Pop music [*]Headwear[/list] [b]Dislikes:[/b] [list][*]Her stuff being taken without permission [*]Thunderstorms [*]Getting hurt [*]Overly selfish people [*]Inconsistency [*]Lack of quality[/list] [b]Skills:[/b] A part-timer since her youth and former shrine apprentice, Hat-chan has developed a varied and eclectic set of skills throughout her short life. Indeed, her portfolio, bolstered by her tendency to work hard, consists of skills that range from mountain biking to great fashion knowledge to cooking to hardware fixing to leatherwork to lockpicking to communing with spirits and so on. She has solid grounding in many areas in life, but what seems to be most important in the cutthroat world of Academy City is her fighting skills (which have been influenced by a number of styles thanks to her tendency to accidentally find herself in bar fights while waitressing), which she continuously develops through frequent visits to the local dojo near her apartment. [b]Theme Song:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVJPK0bowGE]Comical Hustle[/url] [b]Extras:[/b] She bought a plastic sword at Comiket once, and it serves as her "primary tool of defence". Her hair, though seemingly flawless, is actually black in its natural state (she knows a pretty good hair stylist who does this kind of stuff for cheap, mostly because it's his esper power to change the RGB values of things). Her ability to write kanji is also horrible, to the point where it is almost illegible. She stands at a height of 1.53m and weighs around 42kg.[/hider] [hider=Wakahisa Youko][b]Name:[/b] 若久 陽子 "Wakahisa Youko" [b]Nickname/Alias:[/b] ??? [b]Position:[/b] Student and Ojou-sama [b]Nationality:[/b] Japanese [b]Age:[/b] 15 (b. August 17) [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Blood Type:[/b] A- [b]Appearance:[/b][hider][img]http://i.imgur.com/fg7MULW.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Biography:[/b] A scion of the Wakahisa Conglomerate, the young girl given the name of "Youko" was born on the 17th of August in the city of Kyoto, where her family had run its businesses for several decades. As the heiress to the family fortune, her early upbringing was one of sophistication, instilling in her a foundation of propriety that would influence her massively over the following years, particularly after her parents chose to relocate to Tokyo when she was merely nine years of age. It was the wish of the Wakahisa clan that she participate in Academy City’s Power Curriculum Programme, viewing esper abilities as a great boon for their child. Thus, it was with little fanfare that Youko prepared herself for the experiments that would transform her from just another simple little Japanese girl into a superpowered being, enrolling in a school within the walls of Academy City. It should have, in ideal circumstances, been a particularly simple state of affairs, but to much misfortune, a group of unscrupulous bad dudes, intent on grabbing cash from her family, kidnapped her not long after her tenth birthday when she was trying to buy a cheap boxset of her favourite superhero television show. However, another young girl had been in the store at the same time as her, and due to the inability of her kidnappers to differentiate between them, that girl was too held captive. And so she found herself in shock and full of tears, trapped in a dark room with a remarkably unphased hat-garbed girl (whose hair had yet to turn blonde) as her only company. However, it was truly the presence of that other girl that brought Youko salvation during those two weeks of captivity. The two found themselves bonding, discussing all sorts of random bits of kids' TV shows and arguing who was the cooler Disney princess. For the first time in her life, the Wakahisa scion had met somebody who resonated with her emotionally, and who she could talk to so easily. She soon grew to appreciate the hat-garbed girl as a great friend, relishing in the comfort her companion so readily provided. So it was unsurprising that they parted with great sadness upon Anti-Skill’s discovery of their location, but Youko vowed to someday return the kindness her new friend had shown her. Indeed, by the time of her twelfth birthday, the Wakahisas had contacted the hat-garbed girl once more, setting her up as a ward of one of the family butlers to repay her for the company she had provided to Youko. The two would begin attending the same middle school together, deepening their relationship over the next few years until graduation, when they were forced to split ways. Youko had been accepted into a posh private school, while her friend instead left for Kichijoji. Although they still continue to interact, Youko is already finding herself missing having her best friend’s presence in her new school. [b]Personality:[/b] As the characters in her name would suggest, Wakahisa Youko is for the most part a warm and kindhearted girl, waking up every morning to face the rising sun with a smile and good cheer. She’s polite and friendly, doing her best to try and get along with most people she meets, whether it be cracking jokes or making casual gossip. It’s a generally amicable demeanour, as expected of a Wakahisa heiress, but sometimes one can notice that there isn’t really a deep amount of substance to her relationships, or what she says about herself. Indeed, despite her friendliness to all, it can be hard for her to really connect properly with others, and that has become a growing source of dissatisfaction and pain to her. Youko doesn’t trust herself to be really open to anyone, nor does she trust her ability to be a true friend. She doesn’t know if she’s [i]good enough[/i], a problem that also intersects with her questions of who she really is. Although her relationship with her rather hands off parents is perfectly fine, sometimes she feels constrained by the identity of the Wakahisa heiress, but also tries her best to repay them for all the care and affection they’ve showered on her. She doesn’t want to be a burden, but her growing identity crisis makes her think that she’s already become one. Youko is a nice girl who hates having to trouble others. Thus it isn’t particularly rare for her to grow quiet and introspective even if she had been laughing and cheerful mere moments before. Her struggle to find herself and gather her feelings, whether they be about love or the future, have become a defining aspect of her interactions with others, and the substance of them suffer as a result. It is really only Hat-chan who she tends to be the most open with, though even now she’s begun closing off somewhat. There are some things that are hard to tell your best friends, and it’s easier hiding them when you no longer see them every single day. While it may not be as obvious to some, it’s also pretty clear that she’s a massive geek, particularly towards sentai shows. There’s a childish enthusiasm to her love for the small things, but even despite her adoration she tends to refrain from showing it off to too many people. She doesn’t want to overwhelm others with her enthusiasm, and she tries her best to be interested in what her [i]classmates[/i] like instead. The sun is supposed to shine for everyone. [b]Abilities:[/b] Level 3 - [i]Seamstress[/i] Wakahisa Youko is capable of producing ‘threads’ made up of whatever substance she has on hand, as well as manipulating them to carry out her will in a myriad of ways. Her production cares little for what the threads are made of, but her power works with greater ease the more flexible the substance is. The amount she can produce every day is limited to a tenth of her mass, and doing so is also particularly energy intensive, necessitating her to eat large portions. The maximum range for her control over the threads is a half-kilometre radius. [b]Skills:[/b] Well-educated and well-informed, Youko can be said to be somebody who knows a lot (although you’re more likely to hear her spout trivia on kids’ tokusatsu shows), and thus is a very sharp student. She is proficient in cooking and sewing due to the lessons of her traditionalist mother, and is also quite familiar with first aid (having actually attended some classes on a whim with Hat-chan during middle school). She’s also decently athletic. [b]Theme Song:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jutYfKQQBI8]Code Phoenix[/url] [b]Extras:[/b] She carries around a sewing kit everywhere she goes, as well as small camping medical kit in case of any issues. Youko’s fondness for reading also means that she can be found time to time with her nose in a book outdoors (such as when waiting for her tutor at cafes). Her height is 1.60m and she weighs around 50kg.[/hider]