Ashleigh reached out, and smacked Liam across the head. "Stop trying to figure out how to send us away so we won't get hurt" She said, "Thats why we're here, isn't it? To learn how we can put ourselves in harms way and survive. We all had a hand in this, whether or not it would have happened, we fueled it, from what you've said" The sudden change from self blaming to this was almost a whiplash like motion for Ashleigh, "if you think any of us will let you face this alone, then you're delusional" She looked around at the others, as if daring them to say something else, colour flooding her cheeks as she spoke, "Jeez, Liam, I live in a dangerous state all the time. May as well be useful, and maybe learn a little bit of control" She said, her tone now soft again. She lay a hand on the bracelet, not to assure herself that it was still there, but rather in an almost testing way. "We're here" She seemed to be quite steady, and she let out a slow breath, for the moment it seemed like she wouldn't lose control. [@Themerlinhawk][@Thundercrash][@KirtoAsuna]