Well, I never liked Trump, but I didn't like Hillary, either. Whoever the Democratic candidate would be, I knew it would be a hard election for them. Ever since before I was born, the U.S. has followed the same pattern. We are too comfortable to vote out an incumbent president. But at the end of the eight years, we hate the leaving president, decide all our problems were caused by that president's party, and vote in the opposite party. I wouldn't have been very surprised or upset by a Republican victory, except for the unfortunate fact that their nominee this year was Trump. I'm tempted to feel fear-- for myself, but moreso for minority groups. But I'm trying to promote peace and trust in God through this, even if it only affects my own mind. Maybe Trump will be a decent president... maybe the responsibility will give him a change of heart... maybe it's time for the US to fall and another power to rise... we don't know. I'm not going to say the election was a fraud or anything. If Trump was elected, then apparently Trump represents America... and that makes me feel sad and confused, but it also shows how much work we still need to do to really come together as a united country. As things stand now, I see two options for the next four years. Either Trump has been blowing hot air this whole time and he won't bother to make those promised racist and violent changes and/or Congress and the public won't let him. Or he will manage to make those changes, in which case the world could look very different and those of us who want peace and equality will have to get up from our comfortable chairs and fight for it.