When the battle had started, Isolde was far from the encampment, wanting some peace from the barbaric warriors that she traveled with. Yet nonetheless, she heard screams and the whoosh of arrows. When she registered the sound as battle, she silently drew her double-bladed katanas, in favor to her heavy crossbow. She began running, and she wasn't the best at stealth. Suddenly, an arrow whooshed past her, narrowly missing her heart as it struck her chest. Blood soaked her white, twin tail armor, red like roses. She gasped at the pain, feeling a bit dizzy. Everything felt like it was in slow motion. One of the bandits rushed at her with his sword, and despite her injury, she easily killed him. By this point, she felt increasingly dizzy, the world coming to her in a milky white sensation, blurry and fading. Two other bandits came at her, running at her very quickly. Or, maybe it was just quickly to her. Again, she felt slow, like a slug, but with brilliant hair.Actually, paralyzed. She couldn't move a muscle, and she had fallen back onto the tree. The bandit lifted her onto his shoulder, carried her to the encampment, and dumped her onto the grass. She found it impossible to move, her muscles not responding to her commands. She vaguely registered that the arrow must have been poisoned. She lightly sighed, and everything went dark. [@Kyrisse]