[hider=Faxrus] [b]Name:[/b] Faxrus [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Faxrus] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/66/2e/32/662e327ddc9e9b35b2756cd2ee628085.jpg[/img] [/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Faxrus is something of a neutral, fickle god a lot of the time. Most of the time he feels nothing but a void inside of him that eats away at any emotion good or bad that he might feel; This doesn't mean that he is emotionless through, far from it. In order for one or more of his emotions to properly register, it has to come on strong and fast before it starts to fade away. Those who interact with him can find him to be... strange at times, but usually with good intentions. He is a fan of the living, but has difficulty talking to them due to the way in which he views the world somewhat... off compared to the standard mortal (and the fact that most living people are terrified of him to begin with doesn't help), so he is rather content to simply be on his own while doing his own things. [b]Major Domain:[/b] Undeath. [b]Minor Domains: [/b] Decay and Rebirth. [b]Your Avatar:[/b] [hider=Countess Von Fluffiness.] [img]http://static.boredpanda.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/fluffy-cats-funny-animal-pics-102__605.jpg[/img] Legend has it that Faxrus was reading in a long abandoned library when a stray kitten wondered up to him and started nuzzling his leg for attention/food; Both of which the somewhat surprised god of undeath provided. The cat remained with him for the rest of his stay and when it came time to leave Faxrus had grown rather fond of the feline and thus took her as his personal pet, giving her the name 'Countess Von Fluffiness'. After owning her for several years, Faxrus made her into his neigh immortal avatar, letting her wander around the world as she pleased but always happy to see her when she came back home to him. For all intents and purposes, Countess Von Fluffiness is just an ordinary house cat that just happens to be the pet of the god of undeath. She is free to wonder the mortal world at will and can go where she likes because the own agenda that she serves is that of just about any other cat. However, those who treat her nicely seem to find their lives improved in small ways... while those that mistreat her are in for a hellish time. [/hider] [b]Stance:[/b] Faxrus is rather indifferent to the current goings on in the drama that is life among the deities; He was never the most social or active of gods and honestly he suspects that most of the others have forgotten that he exists at all. However, while his peers turn on each other he himself has decided that what matters is that someone takes over the position of High God in order to stop existence as they know it from coming to an end... and he might just be the deity for the job. All he has to do is convince the others of that. [b]Loyalty During the Rebellion:[/b] Faxrus was loyal to his father the High God... even if he didn't really do much in the war itself. Honestly, he contented himself with making sure that neither side attempted to create an undead army and largely stayed out of people's way. [b]Center of Power:[/b] A small silver ring who's jewel appears to be a kind of blue ice. [b]Relations:[/b] Amantius: Faxrus doesn't really mind the god of life all that much. Sure the two of them don't exactly hang out but the few times he has encountered Amantius has generally been rather pleasant all things considered. Azo'tet: Faxrus doesn't like Azo'tet very much and he suspects that the God of Death doesn't like him either. He finds talking to Azo'tet to be... harder then most and quite frankly doesn't like his whole 'Mortals need to fear death to know their place' thing he has going on. [b]Powers: [/b] Faxrus seems to favor the use of powerful dark magic on the rare occasions that he is called into combat; If he wished he could raise a small army of the undead to do his bidding or fight his battles for him, but he generally doesn't. When he fights he favors the use of curses and spells that cause decay, be it in the equipment that his enemy is using or their very bodies. There is nothing quite like watching someone rot away within a minute while still alive to convince anyone else that fighting is a bad idea. What is rarely known is that Faxrus also has access to surprisingly powerful healing magics. More then one desperate mortal has turned to Faxrus in their darkest hour to try and help either themselves or a loved one and been pleasantly surprised with the results he could provide. [b]Godly Equipment:[/b] [i]Dark Tome of Faxrus[/i]: The [i]Dark Tome of Faxrus[/i] contains every single spell, ritual and curse that is related to the art of raising the dead into various states of undeath/life, how to cause ruin and decay on a both small and large scale and some of the most extreme but effective healing rituals in existence (the kind that tell fate to go fuck itself). The tome itself is actually rather plane looking, simply appearing as a book with a leather cover that Faxrus generally carries around with him at all times, normally in a bag on his person. This book has been stolen from him more then once over the ages by skilled thieves who have only been able to read through some of the pages and maintained enough grip on sanity not to completely lose their minds; From these few mortals did the magical school of Necromancy come into the world. The tome always finds its way back to Faxrus through. [i]The Tome of the Undead[/i]: The other, somewhat lesser known tome that Faxrus carries with him, the Tome of the Undead magically records the relevant individual information behind every single member of the undead in existence. Every page records the important information behind everyone who has died and risen to continue on in undeath; Who they were, why they are undead, what they have become and generally any other relevant information that might prove useful when it comes to helping them deal with their issues. It appears as a simple book with a well worn brown cover that has never been misplaced or lost. [b]Demi Gods: [/b] None. Faxrus doesn't have a land, nor has he ever used his powers to create a race of creatures or culture. While he is the God of the Undead, he is not the one who created them; With the exception of necromancy, those who return from death as the Undead do so for their own individualistic reasons and while there might be some similarities between different cases everyone is different and needs to be handled differently. Faxrus's role as the God of Undeath is to largely be the friend and spiritual guider of those who for one reason or another don't wish to let go of the world even through they have died. Those who are trapped in the living world due to distress or anger, he will help bring peace of mind to. Those with unfinished business he will help to accomplish it. Those who have effectively become monsters, he will help come to terms with their new situation. He is the god of the Damned and he will always be in their corner. Because of his role, Faxrus is a wandering god and will sooner or later walk through the lands of other deities in order to perform his duties. Not everyone dies peacefully after all. [/hider]