To say that Naia was relieved by the others' willingness to help was an understatement; she could feel the tension in her shoulders relax slightly as the man and his Pikachu came forward. The latter was met by a quiet reply by the Gastly--an indication that he was alright, just tired--while the pair of them received a small, grateful smile from the trainer. "Yes. So sorry to impose on you like this. I'm sure that you had other plans of your own before we showed up, but..." She trailed off uncertainly, casting another glance down at the ghost Pokemon in her arms. The second potion seemed to help immensely, though to be safe, she still wanted to get him to a Pokemon Center as soon as possible. Quickly falling into step beside him, Naia returned Spark's smile with one of her own. "Nice to meet you, Spark. My name is Naia, and this fellow--"--she glanced down pointedly at the Gastly--"--is Ithel." There was a pause, and then she dropped her head sheepishly. Perhaps it was best if she explained what led to these circumstances since these strangers were so kind to help. "We...we got caught in a swarm of unusually aggressive beedrill," she told him, brows creasing at the memory of being surrounded by loud buzzing, "I suppose they must have been protecting their home and misinterpreted our intentions, but they suddenly attacked."