[center][h2]Heedy Haw Haw the Disturbance, Illuma Forest[/h2][/center] [center][sub]Force may or may not apply[/sub][/center] Heedy could hear the shitty B-rated music now. Wildly looking around, he keeps his cannon at the ready. It's like the air was thick with the smell of burning wood. Right. Crazy bastards come with crazy stuff right? He continues to walk along, keeping mind of any of those pesky rogueish tree roots that might be in the way as he takes another swig of what ever is in his canteen. Ahhhh....what was he doing again? He looks around once more, taking in the sight. Is that wood burning? Oh right! Shitty b-rated illusiongrams and their music. He pockets the wonderful bottle of hooch and two hands his Z.O.D. cannon. He could just FEEL the superman coming along as he moves along. Turning around once more, he spots a man with the skin color of...what ever fuck color that one metal shit is. What the fuck is this guy? Mega beard, mega muscles, yet wizard hat and robe. Well, hat is iffy, might be hair. Scraggly as fuck hair. Aaaaand...other guy is.. Wait. Oversized robe, spooky glowing eyes. Looks like...Oh no the shitty b-rated illusiongram bullshit is real! [h3][i][b]"OH SHIT!"[/b][/i][/h3] ([url]https://youtu.be/D3EVqETK4Gk[/url]) Heedy Haw Haw books it, heading toward the shitty smell, then veering away from it because CLEARLY that's where the shitty b-rated monster would be going. ...however to the other two he's just a midget with an oversized cannon running in circles for a moment. [@necrophage][@hatman1801]