[hider=The Red Wind] [color=lightblue][b][i]Name:[/i][/b][/color] Kinow [color=lightblue][b][i]Nickname(s):[/i][/b][/color] Kinny (much to his chagrin), Kin, 'The Red Wind' [color=lightblue][b][i]Age:[/i][/b][/color] 2 years -- Young Adult [color=lightblue][b][i]Ranking:[/i][/b][/color] Hunter [color=lightblue][b][i]Appearance:[/i][/b][/color] [center][hider=Visual][img]http://i.imgur.com/dZsepSZ.jpg[/img][/hider][/center]The title of 'The Red Wind' does not stem from mere nothing. Kinow's fur is more scarlet than brown, dapples of black and gray spotting his backside and tail. His paws and underbelly are gray, and his muzzle a gradually gradient of russet to white. His eyes are dark amber, not unlike that of tree sap, with one being a shade lighter with a jagged scar over it. Though significantly smaller than most wolves--a trait which he despises to be reminded of--he's lithe and lean, with long legs designed for running. Aside from the scar on his right eye, he has few scarring. [color=lightblue][b][i]Personality:[/i][/b][/color] Kinow is far from the sweetest rose in the bush. If anything, he's the sharpest thorn that pricks the most delicate of hands. He's honest. Brutally honest. His words are wrapped in sarcastic briars, and seldom does he ever apologize for it. Yet despite his bitter nature, there lies a softness within him that he desperately tries to hide in fear of showing weakness. He's viciously protective over the few friends that he has, and stubborn as a rock when it comes to loyalty. Though his words are enough to start fights, rarely does Kinow ever enjoy participating in them. Partly because of his small stature, but also due to a buried fear of accidentally killing a fellow wolf. Surprisingly enough, he gets along well with pups--he just isn't the best influence on them. [color=lightblue][b][i]Background:[/i][/b][/color] The runt of the litter, Kinow was the weakest of all his siblings. He was always the small one, too sick to grow and always hungry for a milk that could not feed him. No one expected him to live past his first week. Yet, despite all odds, Kinow lived. Though he remained small and his body awkwardly lanky, he gradually learned as an apprentice that his strength lay in skills other than brute force. Under the tutelage of one of the elders, a skilled former Hunter, Kinow learned how to track down and hunt, eventually becoming the swift Hunter he is now. [/hider]