[@BlackHoleKin] [hider=Details Involving CS] [list] [*] Full grammar like capitalization, proper punctuation, structure, etc. should be fixed. Some of the things I don't properly understand without having to read over multiple times. Personality should be worked on most in this situation. I understand if the case is due to not knowing English well, but I would like you to try fixing the sheet again. Use the other characters as examples. [*] [quote] The headings must stand out in some way like different fonts, bold, italics, etc.[/quote] [quote] -with the descriptions below the headings as already shown.[/quote] Basically you have to choose a way to make the section headings stand out, then move the descriptions underneath them as explained in the rules/directions. [*] If both human and wolf years are going to show, the age title (Pup, Teen, etc.) is the first thing there, then human years are on top of wolf years. "-human/wolf-years" is supposed to be at the end as well. If it's already clear on which year it is then it's not needed, but I still prefer adding it. [hider=Your Case] Adult 4-human-years 18-wolf-years [/hider] [*] The appearance is supposed to be detailed like you don't have an image to go along with it. I even recommended to do some research for more detail if needed. [*] The "Other" is supposed to be in list form. [/list] [/hider]