[center][color=green]Larvitar[/color][/center] Power... unending unyielding, the might to shatter mountains, to change nature... Yes, power was the answer. From the second he had been born he had been shrouded in darkness, the pressure of the world had been all around him and the warmth of the depths had forged his redder hue. Then he had dug, eaten and crawled, from the pits where he had spawned up to where the light of day finally met his eyes. He had bursted through the crust of earth, free from its bounds, to now make the world above bow down before him... or at least become the strongest he possibly could be. He was Larvitar, Son of Tyranitar... he had much to look up to, to achieve if he wanted to walk the same path as those before him... And so had his journey began, to seek power... as power was the only thing that mattered as those with power could have anything else they could possibly want. Fearlessly he had gone forward, on unsteady legs until the bearing of a bipedal stance settled in. He went forth, until his belly growled and then he would look for food... berries on the ground would have to do, as he didn't know how to climb a tree yet and quite frankly he had been able to bash his head towards it hard enough for any fruits to fall down. So early in his quest to power trees didn't yield to him, and they still remained hard even as he tried to bite its roots and scratch at its bark... it was to no avail as he was unable to topple it, but he didn't let that fact discourage him.... one day, he would topple a tree, but for now he would eat to remain strong, and to settle that annoying noise his belly made whenever he had been out of food for too long. When he first took the form of a Gijinka he didn't question much how it had happened, he was content with the change as it didn't raise his stats to those of a Tyranitar, he was still the same no matter how he appeared a fact that didn't bother him too much. After all he didn't want a shortcut to power... he liked to train himself against flora and fauna... other pokémon that he would pick a fight with for no specific reason other than to test himself against them... its didn't always go his way, yet he faced them fearlessly and kept on fighting every day. He was determined to grow more powerful, and as he learned more about the world from wandering the forest.