[center][h1][color=a2d39c]Marco[/color][/h1][/center] [@Oliver][@Apoalo][@KaijuBaragon] Marco frowned at Toby for a moment before his usual smile returned to his face. [color=a2d39c]"If you ever need anything at all you feel free to let me know. I will help in any way I can. Sorry to embarrass you. It was not intentional."[/color] He said in a friendly manor to Toby. He could tell the boy was uncomfortable but he wasn't going to let him escape that easily. Being alone sucked, it always helped to have friends to stick with. He turned on his heel to follow the other two when burgers were mentioned. The red head was always hungry, it was rare to see him without a snack of some sort. Marco followed behind Landon, examining the other male as he walked. It wasn't anything weird it was a simple scan over his features. He was slightly shorter than Marco and definitely less muscular but that didn't take away from the charm he had about him. Marco was sure if he tried Landon could make girls, or gay men, swoon. He grabbed himself a simple cheese burger with lettuce. He hated the taste of tomato on his burger and wasn't a huge fan of condiments either. Some would say he was weird but he liked himself a dry burger. He also has a minor case of acid reflux if he had tomato or any citrus fruit. It wasn't bad but it made his stomach gurgle rather loudly, which was awkward when with other people to say the least. He seated himself across from Landon and waited for the others to join them. [color=a2d39c]"Oh, by the way Landon, I would love to study with you. Gotta keep my grades up and most of the time it is way to crazy at my house to do any kind of studying. Too many people all at once."[/color] He chuckled to himself and took a bit of his burger, happily.[color=a2d39c]"Any of you have any siblings? You have a twin too right Bruno?"[/color] He asked trying to strike up some simple conversation. [center][h1][color=f6989d]Maria[/color][/h1][/center] [@Apoalo] Maria turned a little red from embarrassment and seated herself beside the boy she was sure she had just made feel very awkward. [color=f6989d]"Sorry. I was being nosy, I asked what you were listening too. That was, before you stopped yourself from chucking your headphones. You must be working on something pretty good if you got that upset over it."[/color] She paused for a moment before remembering he probably didn't know her name. [color=f6989d]"Oh, sorry, I'm Maria by the way."[/color] She gave him her usual smile as she introduced herself. She could have continued on but she decided she should make sure she wasn't overstepping any boundaries before she continued.