[@ClocktowerEchos] Hey, just something that I thought about after reading through everyone's sheets to get an idea of what Faxrus's relations with the other gods would be like... Looking at how Ilyona created the Hollows and why... Would it be possibly that she either stole or tricked Faxrus into giving her access to his little black tome in order to figure out how to create them in the first place? He wouldn't interfere with her duties in relation to the hollows (It is her punishment for creating them in the first place) but I could see him still being very bitter about the whole thing. Edit: ...Or a possible different idea I was thinking of that kind of needs me to rewrite Faxrus a little bit... As a result of her creating the Hollow's (And thus, the state of undeath to begin with), Ilyona accidentally created Faxrus in the process as a minor deity. Considering her personality before the whole Hollow thing it would help explain why he is tries to be good intentioned considering what he is the god of... It would also explain why he is somewhat... different from the other gods in that he was kind of an accident. I would love to hear your thoughts on any of this.