His head contorted to the side, confusion at her sudden passiveness as her head came to rest on his chest, once single side of it being larger than her own head. He shook his head, for it was no matter. Her exhaustion and reluctance showed that she had accepted what he had said, the obvious, that she was now his. Suddenly they were both plummeting upwards into the stormy sky, up into the static and cold, harsh against both of their skin, but it did not seem to bother him at all .He did not jump or flinch when the thunder broke out and clashed all around them in the storm cloud, nor did the bright flashes of lightning that were only inches from them seem to phase him at all. A dark, deep noise came and continued to flow through the the air, slipping into her ears into different bits of audible syllables that were completely foreign to her. As the syllables continued to resound around her, if she would look up she would see his lips moving, that it was his own voice of sorts, speaking in an ancient language that was unknown to her. As he spoke, the clouds around them swirled faster and faster, until what seemed to be walls of a tornado were circling around them. The eye of the storm was directly above them, and the funnel that was forming became smaller and smaller in it's shape as it went down to the ground, in the natural shape of what human's called a wind of natural disaster. Once again they were going up, higher into the sky, almost to the very top and eye of the tornado itself, and then they flipped, his massive wings throwing them upside down, and down into a spiral, towards where the tip of the tornado had made contact with the ground below. As they got ever closer, the small bottom part of the funnel quickly widened, and the ground dissolved into a transparent dark mist, thick clouds of dark steam billowing up at them, covering whatever lay beneath. He held her tightly to his body, so as not to lose her in the current of the wind, and into the darkness they went. It was so quiet and still when they entered the dark steam compared to the loud, whirling speeds of the inside of the tornado that they were just in. The whole they had come through that was once the ground closed up, and they were once again upright, he had come to a hover within the steam. Whisps of darker and lighter shades of gray and black swirled around them in the still silence, the only sound being the beating of his giant wings, and their breathing. He took a glance down at her, and peeled her from his form, placing his hands so that they grasped her firmly on her hips, and he held her out at arms length, looking her up and down in silence.