[center][h2]Make it double...[/h2][/center] [b]Situation Location:[/b] Park to the right of the Pokemon Center [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3970885][refer to map][/url] [hr] “GO! MACHAMP!” The pokeball was lobbed into the center of the battlefield. The female opposing trainer’s heart sank into a frigid pool of fear at her opponent’s cry. A Machamp? How could a beginner trainer possess a Machamp so soon? She couldn’t believe it! The light bent and molded into a hulkish, glowing silhouette. The opposing trainer’s face paled when the light faded, revealing four iconic arms. The burly gijinka appeared—gray skinned with four massive arms and yellow lips quirked into a malicious smirk as its red, gleaming eyes gazed down upon the small Buneary. The trainer of the Buneary fell to her knees as her legs gave out beneath her. Her opponent pointed and laughed at her reaction and the terror that made the Buneary shrink back toward her Pokeball. “Ha, ha, ha! I told you I was strong!” her opponent gloated. “Go, Champ, use CROSS CHOP!” Machamp tsked. “What an unworthy opponent. You want me to crush this baby bunny? Whatever.” Buneary’s trainer rose to her hands and knees and screamed, “BETHANY RUN! DON’T FIGHT, RUN!” The Buneary whirled and started running toward her trainer. Tears of fright spilled down her cheeks as her brown dress swished at her knees. She looked to be only about seven-years-old, a rather young Pokemon that had to be still learning moves. “Rinny-chan!” Bethany cried, fearing for the worst. “I yield, please, call your Pokemon off!” Pokemon Trainer Rinny begged her opponent. Her opponent only continued to smirk, his eyes sadistically twinkling as he imagined the power his new Machamp would display. The titan charged, arms curling and muscles bulging with boulder-like strength. Bethany made it to Rinny’s arms who immediately embraced her and rose off the ground to flee. As hard as she ran, she was in no shape to outrun the colossal Machamp that closed the distance. The Machamp snagged her Buneary by the pigtails and wrenched her from Rinny’s arms. “NO! BETHANY! GIVE HER BACK!” Rinny screamed. She hammered her fists against the brick-like abs that covered the Machamp’s stomach. The Gijinka was unfazed. Still holding the dangling Buneary by her hair, he tossed her into the air and stretched out all four of his arms. “RRRrrr!” the Machamp growled as it frowned with concentration. The Buneary screamed as she fell back toward the earth. Before she hit the ground, the Machamp’s arms closed like scissors, crushing her body like a pair of plyers and instantly draining the Pokemon’s health to 0. It was more than super effective, it was overkill. The life left the Buneary’s eyes as the Machamp spread his arms to allow the limp morphing body of the Pokemon to plop upon the grass. The girl had transformed back into a Pokemon. The bunny laid there unmoving as Rinny screamed immediately diving on her Pokemon and snatching it away from the Machamp and her opponent. As the trainer raced for the Pokemon Center, Machamp and his trainer laughed victoriously. “Yes! I love it! You destroyed that Buneary. Wow,” the boy praised. Machamp grinned. “I only wish she had been fully evolved, then maybe she would have given me a better match!” “Don’t you worry Champ; our next destination is the Pewter City gym.” Machamp’s fists crashed together with a thunderous [i]thoom[/i] as he exclaimed, “My fists can shatter boulders. I can’t wait!”