[center][h2][color=DodgerBlue]Tobit Broflovski[/color][/h2][/center] [i]Siblings.[/i] This Marco guy just had to walk into all of Toby's least favorite subjects, didn't he? "Uhh... I had an older sister. Up until about a month ago." He answered in a quiet, awkward voice. He cringed back, biting into his knuckles that were already raw and bleeding from earlier. He really, really hated talking about Rachel. He'd rather pretend that she never existed than deal with the fact that he was still plagued with guilt over not interacting with her much while she was alive. Aside from that, these kids didn't need another reason to pity him. He wasn't even sure why he'd mentioned his dead sister in the first place. He should have just kept his mouth shut. [i]Stupid fucking schlemiel[/i] He insulted himself in his head, resisting the temptation to slap himself. Toby looked around at the rest of the group, wondering if anyone else had a less downer answer to Marco's question. He really shouldn't have said anything. It probably just made Marco feel like shit for asking, which wasn't his intent at all. He just didn't have enough time to think things over before he said them. He never really had enough time for anything nowadays. [@Apoalo] [@KaijuBaragon] [@LostDestiny]