[hider=The Luak Tae Hegemony] [Hider=Nation Name] The Luak Tae Hegemony [/hider] [hider=Seal] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Ot3Eg7Bm.jpg[/img][/center] [/hider] [hider=Officials] [b]Supreme Leader Haek Tae[/b] [i]"A golgothan defector is much the same, only more intelligent than his brethren..."[/i] [b]Sky Marshal Hoon Sai[/b] [i]"Teeth and claws. These are the only weapons you need."[/i] [b]Ambassadors to the UA[/b] [i]Hundreds of bureaucrats make up the delegation to the Galactic Council. These are the primary representatives:[/i] Representative Conwyn nae Llyr Conwyn was the Llyrian Ambassador in Luak when the war began. Representative Minun Chu Representative for the citizens of the Luak Tae Hegemony. Representative Zyra Mae Representing the Zylatt minority in Hegemony space. [/hider] [hider=Core Worlds] [b]Chohun IV[/b] The seat of power for the Luak Hegemony. A fortress world dominated by [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brutalist_architecture]brutalist[/url] bureaucratic buildings, artificial rivers and lakes and the endless sprawl of government. Private citizens have been 'evacuated' by government decree since the outbreak of war and the displaced populations dispersed across the possessions of the Luak. Chohun is where oligarchs, politicos and the War-Masters confer on policy, strategy and tactics and the main fleet is temporarily stationed while repairs continue at Toyun I. [b]Toyun I[/b] Renamed in honor of the influential and honorable Lord Toyun, who was assassinated by Gologathan agents, Toyun is the home of the Luak Fleet where armies of engineers and drones are tasked with repairing and rearming Hegemony vessels. The geosynchronous ship-forge is being reconstructed after a Golgothan Terrorist managed to detonate a mass-inversion torpedo aboard the Cruiser 'Legend'. The resulting chain of explosions killed thousands of workers and incapacitated the Hegemonies ability to repair and rearm ships for a few years. [/hider] [hider=Brief History] Formerly a democratic republic, the Luak were plagued by two centuries of civil war, eventually culminating in the rise of the Hegemony that consolidated military power and united the warring factions. These long series of wars depleted resources in the core worlds of the former republic, forcing the Hegemony to expand its territory and develop more powerful technology, stronger ties with other powers and more advanced forms of agriculture. The Luak Tae Hegemony were ancient allies of the Llyr Empire and briefly attempted negotiations with the Golgotha before the assassination of Lord Toyun by agents of the cult of the Mandate. Enraged, the Luak Tae Great Council abandoned any attempts at peaceful negotation and mobilized the armada. It was not until the Core Worlds of the Llyrian Empire began to burn that members of the Outer Alliance realized the danger of the Golgotha, and the War of Retribution began, albeit much too late. Formed the core forces of the Outer Alliance Armada in the war of Retribution. Participated in the seige of Sevara, the primary Gologathan Industrial World, with devastating losses to the main fleet. Evacuated a handful of Llyrian Nobles at the last minute, at great cost. [/hider] [hider=Primary Species] Luak, a distant relative culturally and genetically to the Llyrians. Zylatt, an ancient race of knowledge keepers and historians. Llyrian, refugees and asylum-seekers. The Llyr are nearly extinct. [/hider] [hider=Policy] The Luak Hegemony are the main proponents of the ban on FTL drives and the installation of Warp Gates at key galactic locations. In addition, nothing short of the utter destruction of the Unbegotten will be an acceptable outcome. Representatives from the Luak Hegemony are highly suspicious of Archon Severis Velian. Food stores have been devestated after the war, due to the deficiency in trade with the Llyr Empire and the destruction of the agrarian worlds on the fringe of the Empire, and the ban on genetic manipulation. [/hider] [hider=Economy] A recession has gripped the Hegemony after the loss of trade with the Llyr Empire. [/hider] [hider=Military] Luak forces suffered over 50% losses in the War of Retribution and are struggling to recoup. What Llyrian vessels could be evacuated (mostly fringe ships, on outer patrol or captured privateers) make up the main Luak Fleet at this point. The Llyrian Cruisers and Dreadnoughts are big heavy things, more symbols of Empire and power than practical weapons and the Luak Commanders are struggling to learn the nuances of the vessels while Luak ships are under construction. [/hider] [hider=Maps] [/hider][/hider]