[h2][center][color=9e0b0f]Connor MacQuarrie[/color][/center][/h2] [@A Tattooed Girl] Colton Kruger Connor was abruptly roused by his alarm clock, deliberately placed on the far side of the room so he’d be forced to get out of bed to turn it off. He briefly regretted flying back down from Montreal only yesterday, but dismissed the thought an instant later. Worth it for a few extra days at the lake. His parents would be staying there for some alone time for the next few weeks, leaving the house to Connor and Ted. Connor could already hear his friend/au pair bustling around downstairs, likely making scrambled eggs and bacon: the breakfast of champions. A shower and a bite to eat later, Connor was behind the wheel of his Audi, finishing off a can of energy drank, and quietly singing the Space Jam themesong as he tapped the steering wheel along to the beat. “Come on and SLAM, and welcome to the JAM!” The car had been a gift from his parents, and it was obviously a compromise between them. His mom had doubtlessly wanted to give him a brand new sports car, but his dad was just as determined it would be an old junker. The compromise then had been an old used sports car. Connor’s dad insisted Connor would be paying them back for the car, but his mom was just as insistent that it was a gift. Knowing them, his mom would probably win that argument eventually. Connor arrived at school on the edge of being late, so he didn’t really have time to seek anyone out. Not that there was anyone he was especially anxious to see: he’d only transferred into Delbrook Academy at the end of Freshman year, leaving him just enough time to make friends before summer began. After all those months away, Connor wasn’t exactly sure where he stood with the people he’d been friendly with before. He wasn’t one to let that bother him though, and when the assembly let out, Connor resolutely set off to sign up for the football team, the swim team, then get a burger, all in that order. It was only after he’d devoured his burger that he figured he might as well see if he could find Colton.