[quote=Dedonus] Finished my CS application. I even poked fun at myself in it. Edit: Just needed to add one more thing to the CS and now it should be completed.Also, we can technically morph into other people, since humans are technically animals, right? Also, how much concentration do you need to absorb a morph? Do you have to consciously think "I will take this morph", could you take a morph by accidentally touching something or someone? [/quote] Ninja'd! See above. [s]Oops, missed this the first time, sorry 'bout that. I tend to leave all technical science-y type things to Vivid, but I believe we are saying (for scary, science-y reasons) only animals of the non-human variety are allowed, at least initially. And I believe you need to intentionally absorb information for a morph, but I could see particularly talented or intuitive morph-ers accidentally absorbing something, Jason and Max, maybe.[/s] Anyway. As far as relationships go, the last time we set this up, I had a whole chart of suggestions, but it's late, and I have work tomorrow, so I'll leave just some itty bitty things. For starters, Max. For anyone who might know MTBI, Max is a textbook ENFP. She is idealistic and incredibly naive. Most who know her like her (though she grates on nerves easily), just because she's naturally charismatic and loyal, the poster child for a people person. But she can be forgetful or downright oblivious at times, and it isn't horribly uncommon for her to be made fun of, if not to her face, then behind her back. Either way, she's nice to everyone, especially outcasts, and would take a bullet for a perfect stranger. Anyway. Suggestions. Take them or leave them, these are really more ideas for other relationships than anything. =) Leader X Lancer: Childhood friends? Or (friendly) rivals in _____ Leader X Big Guy: Tradition would say lots of headbutting....but I think it'd be funner/more original if they were actually besties. Leader X Smart Guy: If the Smart Guy is bullied, the Leader would probably take pity and help him out. As long it didn't ruin his cool-guy rep. Leader X Heart: So, in a 90s cartoon, this would be the obvious romance angle. I'd recommend more disagreement here, especially if the Leader is the cool, rational type, and the Heart is the proverbial moral compass. Leader X Alien: Please fall in love. That is all. Lancer X Big Guy: This would be another hit for best friends, or childhood rivals. Maybe distant family members. Second cousins, or something. Lancer X Smart Guy: Another potential romance, if only to be kinda original. Could also see lots of differences in opinion, since the Lancer (at least Max) is anything but rational, like the Smart Guy should be. Lancer X Heart: I could see these two mourning in a corner together over a dead spider. Lancer X Alien: If this is Max and Vivid's character, I can actually see them *not* getting along, if only because of Alien's arrogance. But depending on the arriving situation of said Alien, Max would also take pity and become almost militantly loyal. Big Guy X Smart Guy: Tradition says Bully vs. Bullied, but that'd be kinda predictable....It'd be fun if they were siblings. Big Guy X Heart: Another potential romance, but again, way too obvious to be any fun. Big Guy X Alien: Please fall in love and form love triangle with Leader. Hooray drama. Smart Guy X Heart: This would actually be my preferred romance, if any. Spock and Uhura, if they were Animorphs. Smart Guy X Alien: I'd think Smart Guy (if not the Leader or maybe the Big Guy?) would befriend the Alien first, if only out of curiosity.