[center][h2]The White Council Meeting [/h2][/center] The Scottish manor was filled to the brim with Wizards of the White Council. The manor belonged to Senior Council Member and the Merlin of the Council, Arthur Langtry. He was known as the most powerful wizard on the planet. He was the world’s best knowledge of warding magic and had several centuries of practice. One does not become the Merlin of the White Council by collecting bottle caps. The manor was chosen as a meeting site because of its size. But, more importantly, it was also chosen because of its threshold. The manor had been in the Langtry family for several hundred years. So, naturally, it had a threshold as strong as they come. The White Council could use all of the precautions they could muster. Not all wizards are good. In fact, a good number of them never followed any sort of “good” school of thought. One such wizard was called Heinrich Kemmler. A warlock. More practically he was a necromancer. The Council had already killed him six times at this point in history. He’d done several things including being responsible for World War I. The White Council killed him last at the end of World War II when he had been reanimating mass graves. The Council held an emergency meeting at the Langtry residence in order to discuss a recent development. Kemmler was back once more. [b][center]~[/center][/b] The manor bustled with black robed individuals, wizards, most wore an assortment of additions to the black robes; blue stoles for full members, red stoles for those with a century or more of service, a braided silver cord for master alchemists, gold stitched caduceus for master healers, copper chevrons for a doctorate in a scholarly discipline, a seal of soloman for a master of exorcisms, and an assortment of other trinkets and symbolic recognition. The Senior Council, seven of the strongest and oldest wizards in the world, wore purple stoles instead of the blue or red of other members. The two odd colored robes in the Council were Wardens and Apprentices. The first of which wore combat fatigues under a grey clock and the latter wore brown robes without adornments, unless they’d earned them – but most hadn’t had enough time as a member to. “Settle down everyone! The meeting is about to begin.” The accented voice of Anastasia Luccio, the captain of the wardens, filled the large house, magically amplified. The wizards had gathered in a rather large dining hall some had to stand for a lack of adequate seating. “Thank you.” She inclined he back slightly as she stood at the front of the room next to a long table which had been set up perpendicular to the rest of the wizards present, it had seven seats. “Honored Merlin.” She stepped aside as the Merlin of the White Council stepped forward, his robes billowed behind him as he quickly made his way to the podium that had been set up near the front of the room. “Before we begin,” he spoke in English with a slight accent that suggested nobility. “I’d like to state, as we have honored allies present, that we proceed in English. It would not befit a host nation to exclude another by speaking a language they are not familiar with.” After that matter had been addressed he gestured to the present guests. One was clearly from the Summer Court of the Fae - the Summer Knight with a silver sword of Faerie-make at his side, another wore armor adorned with a white cloak, a red cross on it. He bore a sword at his side in a scabbard. There were several other individuals and some groups. “Now, I present the Senior Council. Wizard Petrovic, Wizard Listens to Wind, Wizard Liberty, Wizard LaFortier, Wizard Mai, and of course the Gatekeeper.” As the Senior Council took their places he gave them each a small bow. It any watching who had been to a meeting before, it would be obvious that they were rushing through the formalities. “We have now, before us, once more a threat.” He gave a slight pause, “Heinrich Kemmler has reappeared –” There was a collective groan from the gathered wizards and much shouting. After a few seconds, Warden Morgan, the second in command of the wizarding police, shouted into the crowd. “SILENCE!” He had forced some will into his voice, everyone calmed down quickly. “As I was saying,” Langtry continued, “It would appear that after the last time we dealt with him, he must have transferred himself into another body. We do know that he is in London, as you may have noticed none of you were invited into the house.” Many nodded in agreement. “This was a precaution, in the event that the enemy has already infiltrated; they would have to leave their power at the door…” The meeting went on as such for a little while longer. After which the present wizards were split into groups and given tasks. Nothing as complicated as one might think. The most complex plan was essentially search and kill. [center][b]~[/b][/center] “Right!” Melvus spoke to the group on the steps of the Manor the night was old and crickets could be heard. “I’ve been assigned, as the most senior wizard present, to lead this team.” He spoke at a normal pace, but he wasn’t sure what he was meant to say. He knew what their task had been – split up and search London. “Remember that the last time Kemmler was around, it was heavily indicated that he needed to do something on the night of Halloween… That’s two days from now. We need to find him and his ilk before them if we want to put a halt to whatever he is planning… Are there any questions?” Garth gripped his staff, he was very aware of how hot his robes were, the red stole he wore didn’t help. The braided silver chord and copper chevron didn’t hinder, thankfully. Most beneficial to the group was the addition of Roger, the French Knight of the Holy Cross. He bore the sword Amoracchius at his side.