[color=DarkOrchid][center]Noibat[/center][/color] There was naught but silence at first,though Noibat's hold on her friend tightened a bit, this was soon broken by the girl's light giggling as Z began to lick her nose. Sitting herself up, she held Z up by the scruff, looking him straight in the eyes. [color=DarkOrchid]"I'm taking you up on that, so don't go claiming you forgot. Also, the next time I say that the situation's bad, then we get out, okay?"[/color] Her golden eyes would bore into Z's blue ones until she was sure he understood, in which case she'd set fluffball on her shoulder, getting up with an exasperated sigh. [color=Dark Orchid]"You always get overexcited whenever you set your mind to something."[/color] Giving her friend a light flick on the nose for all the trouble they put her through, Noibat set off for the forest, planning on setting the little Zorua down in his usual spot and, after making sure he had some Oran berries to help with the scratches, went off on her way to her own home. It had been a bit of a stressful day, so she figured she might also go berry hunting for a bit, see if she could find any of those delicious Leppa berries around, then sleep wherever she happened to be once night rolled around. [@TalijaKey] [color=Ivory][center][h1]Jaden Locke[/h1][/center][/color] [color=Ivory]"*sigh* . . . I guess it would be hard to adjust. Still, just make sure you at least let me know, okay?"[/color] Jaden would've gone on, wanting to hear more about these suspicious trainers, but the sound of a pained scream cut him off before he could finish. Looking around for a possible source of such a disturbance, Jaden noticed a cluster of people not too far away. Hurrying his way into the crowd without more than a beckoning motion to his pokemon, he arrived just in time to see the vicious final blow. His eyes would widen in shock at the brutality and ruthlessness of the blow, then narrowed as he saw the Machamp's trainer [i]congratulate[/i] his pokemon for his over-zealous attack. His hands curled up into tight balls of fury as his feet carried him forward at a steady, stomping pace. Before he knew it, he had walked right up to the trainer and as the bastard turned to face him, a fist would be flying through the air to meet his face. After striking the trainer, Jaden would reach out with his other hand to grab the boy by his collar, pulling him up until they were looking into each other's eyes. [color=Ivory]"WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM, YOU PATHETIC SACK OF SCAT!!! DO YOU THINK THAT JUST CAUSE YOU HAVE A STRONG POKEMON, YOU CAN GET AWAY WITH ALMOST KILLING OTHER POKEMON! OTHER PEOPLE!!![/color] Jaden's anger was so intense, flamed seemed to spew from his mouth as he spoke. With a disgusted grunt of effort, he threw the boy down to the ground, looking down upon him like he was a pile of crap on the ground. This time when he spoke, the scalding heat had becoming biting cold. [color=Ivory]"You're no trainer. You're nothing more than a bully, abusing others just so you can feel good abut your own pathetic self. If you have any dignity left, then you should beg that girl for her forgiveness and if you permeantly injured the Buneary, or worse, turn yourself into the police. It'll likely give you time to think on what it truly means to be a trainer."[/color] [@Feisty-Pants] [@Holy Soldier] [@The Black Panther]