Leon gestured back towards the bench, a small bag with a pull string sitting there. Walking back to it, he grabbed it and slung it over his shoulders, grinning happily at his friend. “We better get going,” he stated. “It might take a while to get things set up.” He started walking down the street, letting her follow after him. It really didn't take long for the boy to start talking about Pokemon. Though, he was very vague on what they would actually be doing. He wanted it to be a surprise, but that's all he'd really say about it. However, Viridian was a small city. It wouldn't take long for Rasca to realize where they were heading. As they approached the edge of the city, the path leading out to the west was clear enough. Go far enough and you'd reach Victory Road and, eventually, the Indigo Plateau. Of course, that wasn't the concerning part. Many kids wanted to see Victory Road and the Indigo Plateau. The problem came in the tall grass that littered the place. Pokemon thrived out there. Two kids had absolutely nothing to defend themselves with. Leon, though, didn't seem to be concerned. He just continued to talk to her about his latest studies on Pokemon; most recently, those on the two species of Nidorans. He almost seemed unaware of the possible dangers. After all, he was normally the one to warn her of them if they drifted too far to the edge of town.